old fart hooked up to one of them in the boat a couple of years ago, the ruddy thing towed us backwards, yelled out, are we going backwards, yes ^%$$#. Brought it up and old fart cut the hook out and one mighty splash it was gone. Glad he got it on the winch, he was huffin' and puffing with a bit of swearing in between as he called it a ray.
Just used a dead herring on size 8 circle hook, the thing draged the boat around only a 4.5 runabout to big to pull in pulled him up took the hook off and let him go
joe amato
Posts: 731
Date Joined: 21/12/08
well done
well done wrighty,thats a face thats very familiar to me and other members,they seem to find me every where especially if i fish at night
Posts: 61
Date Joined: 12/05/09
holy smokes. been trying to
holy smokes. been trying to hook up on a solid ray ever since i could remember. til today, not even a nibble. =(
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
thats a good pic. did you
thats a good pic. did you cut him free or remove the hooks first
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
Ok yes memories
old fart hooked up to one of them in the boat a couple of years ago, the ruddy thing towed us backwards, yelled out, are we going backwards, yes ^%$$#. Brought it up and old fart cut the hook out and one mighty splash it was gone. Glad he got it on the winch, he was huffin' and puffing with a bit of swearing in between as he called it a ray.
Just wish I'd had the camera, looked spectatculor
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 75
Date Joined: 22/07/10
The Eagle
Just used a dead herring on size 8 circle hook, the thing draged the boat around only a 4.5 runabout to big to pull in pulled him up took the hook off and let him go
was great fun
Posts: 47
Date Joined: 04/07/08
the seagull of the sea!
haha these things pop up EVERYWHERE!
nice size tho and an awesome pic.
the greatest trick a fish ever did, was convincing man that they werent there....