Michael Blackie 1

Michael Blackie 1

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Sat, 2006-04-22 14:53

Hard to guess that spot! :)) Nice fish by the way.


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Spooled's picture

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Date Joined: 06/08/05

Bloody Landmarks

Sat, 2006-04-22 15:37

Bloody landmarks always a give away. Im surprised you cant see the fish swimming past. Probably the clearest water I have seen down here for years. Yeah mongrel got bugger all for a few days but managed to find the bigger ones for the day.

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Clear water

Sat, 2006-04-22 16:11

Noticed the clear water when we were down there, managed to pick up quite a few herring on flies just around that area.

You tried any lures for the blackies?


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Sat, 2006-04-22 16:21

not really
had a couple of flicks with soft plactics but blackies to keen on river prawns.

Michael was angling down the pub last night a few bites but none in the bag


Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

No bites

Sat, 2006-04-22 16:31

I thought he would have got a few, with that extra fuzz on the chin I thought the girls would go for the hairy look.


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Mon, 2006-04-24 16:03

I think you will find that the fuzz on my chin is actually quite a distinguished beard....need to grow hair to compensate for the loss on top....and i never go angling at the pub....I simply spread around a bit of burley and see what rises to the surface........usually a few blowies......HA HA....Mick