Me mates and me tub

Me mates and me tub

Some nice Dhu caught off dawsville and me tub. I have just had a full hull extention done and now run a 225 honda 4st. Much better now. I will post some pics of the upgrades soon.She is capable of 42+ knots now on a flat day.

brenz's picture

Posts: 2182

Date Joined: 15/06/06

how big is the tub mate

Wed, 2010-05-05 15:57

how big is the tub mate

meersy's picture

Posts: 278

Date Joined: 20/04/10

Me tub

Wed, 2010-05-05 16:12

IN the pic shes 22ft. With the mods 24ft.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

Date Joined: 30/11/09

What kind of boat is that.

Wed, 2010-05-05 20:59

What kind of boat is that. Reminds me of my old Pacemaker. that was one of the best boats I ever had.


Love the West!

dagree's picture

Posts: 660

Date Joined: 08/12/07


Wed, 2010-05-05 21:33

Looks like it could be a swiftcraft... Damn good solid boats.



David (AKA Grumps)

Location: Heathridge.  Toys:  120 Series Prado ... 5.3 Stacer Seamaster/Merc 90HP.

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

Date Joined: 12/12/07

swiftcraft ,great hull would

Thu, 2010-05-06 05:21

swiftcraft ,great hull would look great with the honda on the back ,and give you heaps more deck space.


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

meersy's picture

Posts: 278

Date Joined: 20/04/10

Me tub

Thu, 2010-05-06 15:20

Yeh shes a swiftcraft sportsman. Awsome safe deep water boat.I have been caught in some very rough weather and glad that I was in my swifty and not in a newer,lighter boat. The deck space is huge now and the performance/handling is better than before.

dagree's picture

Posts: 660

Date Joined: 08/12/07

Agree with the great hull comments

Fri, 2010-05-07 19:48

Ours has proved to be a great ride and very dry with the flared bow.... Will be sorry to see it go but the boss has spoken.
Time to try (Own) ali for the first time!!!!
And maybe bigger (ssshhhhh) Wink



David (AKA Grumps)

Location: Heathridge.  Toys:  120 Series Prado ... 5.3 Stacer Seamaster/Merc 90HP.

meersy's picture

Posts: 278

Date Joined: 20/04/10

Goodluck with the ali boat

Sat, 2010-05-08 07:44

Goodluck with the ali boat after getting out of yours. There in no comparison in the ride unless you go way bigger.Awsome for up north but.

dagree's picture

Posts: 660

Date Joined: 08/12/07

Ride comparison

Sat, 2010-05-08 20:55

Yeah I know we will be compromising the ride quality going ali but the lack of grief I get from her while holding onto the swifty in the wind by herself will make up for it Yell


Just gotta get her out on one and show her the difference then maybe talk her into a newer/lighter glass runabout!!!!





David (AKA Grumps)

Location: Heathridge.  Toys:  120 Series Prado ... 5.3 Stacer Seamaster/Merc 90HP.

meersy's picture

Posts: 278

Date Joined: 20/04/10

I know what ya saying

Mon, 2010-05-10 16:54

I know what ya saying david.Keep the boss happy and all is good. HA HALaughing

Salmo's picture

Posts: 913

Date Joined: 15/08/05

looks like a good days catch

Fri, 2010-05-07 23:26

all three of you fished off that boat???

meersy's picture

Posts: 278

Date Joined: 20/04/10

Yeh i usually fish 3 out of

Sat, 2010-05-08 07:47

Yeh i usually fish 3 out of it and have fish 4 allthough it can be a bit squishy because of the inboard. No longer an issue!

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

Date Joined: 12/12/07

Swiftcraft and the

Sun, 2010-05-09 06:40

Swiftcraft and the pacemacker allways be in my to three boats they may be the older hulls but they sure eat up the choppy conditions.I have a haines now and am very happy with the ridefor her size.


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls