Jesus....Or not...You tell me who it is...

Jesus....Or not...You tell me who it is...

An awesome picture of us in the stirling ranges near albany.




hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

Date Joined: 04/04/08

Looks more like Vishnu with

Thu, 2009-12-31 11:12

Looks more like Vishnu with the multiple arms

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

Date Joined: 05/09/08

LOL It's not a bad pic though

Thu, 2009-12-31 11:18

They look like Crownies to me. Whatever it is it's at least got good taste.


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

Redfin 4 Life's picture

Posts: 942

Date Joined: 07/11/09

haha uncut trigger i beleive

Fri, 2010-02-26 20:18

haha uncut trigger i beleive they were crownies.
