Gear . I made nice tasting vinegar mix other day . Scaled them . Filleted , Cut in strips . Dropped in mix for few hours . Really good . Cheese/crackers and olives
Interesting Little Johnny. Did you eat them just like that after the vinegar mix or then cook them?
When I lived in the tropics we used lime juice with chilli etc poured over cubed fish, and put the mix in the fridge a few hours or overnight then would serve it cold. The acid in the lime would "cook" the fish and it woudl turn white.Worked well with several species.
With the local tailor my family don't like too much of any strong fishy flavour, so I fillet and skin, cut the red meat out down the bloodlines, then put the fish in alfoil parcels with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper and Morrocan spice (dakka). Fold the foil up to make a parcel for one person, then drop on the BBQ hot plate or frypan for 6-8 minutes. Very tasty. Making parcels like that can be handy if you have an outing at a park with a BBQ, as you just make up one parcel per person and take them in an esky. Then it's just a matter of getting the hotplot hot and dropping them on. Everyone gets a parcel and it is all clean and tidy. For me this works well if I can regularly find the tailor, as you can get what you need at daybreak, get home then prep everything for the gathering at lunchtime.
Posts: 332
Date Joined: 03/08/19
Seem to be back in town
AS others have reported, a few tailor turning up along the beaches. These at Cottesloe this morning
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18099
Date Joined: 11/03/08
Good to see them on the
Good to see them on the comeback. Hopefully they will stick around for a while for those who chase them. Cool pic
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Great fun on light
Gear . I made nice tasting vinegar mix other day . Scaled them . Filleted , Cut in strips . Dropped in mix for few hours . Really good . Cheese/crackers and olives
Posts: 1322
Date Joined: 23/02/11
ahh interesting - so left the
ahh interesting - so left the skin on?
Posts: 332
Date Joined: 03/08/19
Good in parcels
Interesting Little Johnny. Did you eat them just like that after the vinegar mix or then cook them?
When I lived in the tropics we used lime juice with chilli etc poured over cubed fish, and put the mix in the fridge a few hours or overnight then would serve it cold. The acid in the lime would "cook" the fish and it woudl turn white.Worked well with several species.
With the local tailor my family don't like too much of any strong fishy flavour, so I fillet and skin, cut the red meat out down the bloodlines, then put the fish in alfoil parcels with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper and Morrocan spice (dakka). Fold the foil up to make a parcel for one person, then drop on the BBQ hot plate or frypan for 6-8 minutes. Very tasty. Making parcels like that can be handy if you have an outing at a park with a BBQ, as you just make up one parcel per person and take them in an esky. Then it's just a matter of getting the hotplot hot and dropping them on. Everyone gets a parcel and it is all clean and tidy. For me this works well if I can regularly find the tailor, as you can get what you need at daybreak, get home then prep everything for the gathering at lunchtime.