How much is Too much!
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Mon, 2005-11-21 14:27

From a Hillaries Charter Boat, and this was after a few punters had left.
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guessin they were out on the
guessin they were out on the barges :p
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honsu chin
Posts: 2086
Date Joined: 20/09/05
WTF???.....if they're not
WTF???.....if they're not gonna take it home what da hell would they keep it in the first place....its ppl like these that screws up the fisheries for the next generation.
Posts: 1943
Date Joined: 23/02/07
That is just pathetic, and a
That is just pathetic, and a massive waste. I wonder out of all those fish how many will actually be eaten...
Posts: 995
Date Joined: 03/06/07
they probably went around to
they probably went around to some local fish and chip shops and mongers to sell them all off
tsk tsk
Posts: 453
Date Joined: 24/03/06
That's really disgusting.
That's really disgusting. A sad day for any fisherman with a brain.
From Cairns GBR
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Date Joined: 06/06/06
Can't sell them
If it was a rec charter the skipper or crew can not sell the catch as it was a rec caught fish , anyone who knows anything about black market sellers should contact fisheries or the police .
When we go out to the wrecks or deep offshore reefs and hook into big skippy we ask if they really want it and then limit everyone to 2 skippy each .
OFW member 088
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Under the Hammer
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God damn floggers!!
What a waste and what an insult!!
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
First time
I know it's an old pic but this is the first time I've seen it and I'm disgusted, I suppose you cant blame the charter company (I know who it is I recognise the tarp and ropes) but those who left them behind ought to be ashamed of themselves. I think we need to see these pictures from time to time but hopefully not new ones just to remind us of what not to do!
To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!
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Date Joined: 27/07/06
Why can't you blame the charter company, it's there responsibility. Most people that go out on charter boats are amatures and don't know any better and by the time they get back to land prob can't be stuffed or the boats didn't prep the fish (clean and fillet).
I took a charter last year out of Jervis Bay in NSW with my dad and was shocked at the fish he wanted to keep. 32cm pinkys, same size mowong, just size flathead. All legal size fish but I had to tell him we were out here for a bit of fun and didn't need the fish. If we said nothing would have gone home with a lot of small fish. This is why its now hard to get good fish off South Coast NSW.
Not having a go fishy but i think its time that they have a look at the industry and see what they are really taking. I know there not all like this but you have to start somewhere.
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
I just meant they cant force the customers to take their fish home if they dont want them at the end of the day they pay to go and fish but who can make them take it home? presuming the bag limits where adhered to but I know what your saying and I agree wholeheartedly with you
To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!
Posts: 1672
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No excuse
Im not defending the charter operator, but they are under a lot of pressure to get customers fish as people are paying up to $200 for fish to take home. Personaly id rather take home nothing then take home sml or crappy eating fish, but on the other hand there are a lot of people who dont care and they want fish for there money!IMO those people shouldnt fish!!!!
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honsu chin
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Date Joined: 20/09/05
fishy fingers...I understand
fishy fingers...I understand where you're coming from but its still the charters responsibility to control the amount of fish coming on board. If the customers dont want to take home fish...then they can release the fish. Unwanted fish can always be released...
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fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
I agree with you totally BUT at the end of the day can the skipper stop those people fishing if they are within their bag limits? if they decide at the end of the day to leave them with the boat what can the skpipper do? as said the customers paying at the end of the day decide what they want to do with the fish, as disgracefull as it is maybe they should sign a contract saying they will take the fish home and pay a big deposit that they lose if they leave them (stupid idea I know) they would probably just dump them in the nearest bin. How about charter companies voluntarily cutting bag limits.....Now theres a fly in the ointment eh?
To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!
Colin Hay
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Date Joined: 23/10/07
As derrin Hinch would say
Shame, shame, shame
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8 skippy per person now .
I don't mind the skippy that come from 100m , taste ok to me and my family .
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.
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Date Joined: 17/12/06
wipe out!
thats a big wipe out of fish right there, you know guys everyone is blowing up at the pros who are providing a service for people to be able to bye fish but you gota have a hard look at the damage that charters are doing as well! thats a pathetic act, I know that in kalbarri on the explorer, bob will just pull the pick when he sees that people have got a couple fish each and hell leave a lump that is going off and move so as not to fish it out, but still maybe its time charters started getting hit with some big restrictions! tangles
Posts: 914
Date Joined: 24/06/07
Skippy and sweep. A charter
Skippy and sweep. A charter captains favourite fish. Everybody can catch a bag full and go home and tell everyone what a great day they had.
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Twin turbo..V8 diesel..Ohh what a feeling!!
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