Highs and lows of fishing

What a day......
Launched mates boat from Woodies around 9am with one goal in mind, catch some demersals.
Headed out to the back of FFB. Mate has had his boat (7m Stabi) for about 3 months and we have only been able to get out a handful of times (very average conditions).
Half hour of slow drift with no action, we decided to head south a couple of km's. First drop, mate brings up a very solid breaksea and our first high of the day. We haven't had much success on demersals so high fives were flying!! Another 15mins of drifting and along comes the first low for the day (me donating my bacon & egg sanga to the ocean via mouth and nostrils - ouch). Thought I was getting over this sea sickness thing (only been boating past few years).
Such a nice day (except for the swell) so I decided I wouldn't let that stop me. So I washed my face (and side of mates boat) and dropped my rod back in. Bang..... rod buckles and you guessed it, back to a high as my first size Dhu breaks the surface.
We reset the drift and 15mins later get back to same spot. Mate says this is spot where you chucked last time, on queue, I chuck again (this time worse than the first). Back to the low's!!
We decided to head closer to G/Island for some calmer water and managed to sneak a few KG's in quick succession. Back to high!!
Then headed to middle of sound to see if we could top the day off with a snapper. Dropped anchor and noticed water at our feet. Shiiiit.... bungs had been out all day. Headed back in, but we were worried it would take on too much water whilst at the ramp so we beached the boat and decided to put the bungs in. Bungs are under the transom, which meant time for a swim. Back to a low!!
Gotta love fishing :))
Business Structuring & Registrations, Bookkeeping & Tax Returns
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Ahhh I'd call it a day of
Ahhh I'd call it a day of adventure, topped off with a beer at the end I hope. I never forget the first ever Dhuie I caught was followed by a spew so hard I saw stars. We were on a stinky diesel boat and the fumes got to me.
Good report Shane
Love the West!
Shane 23
Posts: 53
Date Joined: 19/03/16
Thanks Sea-Kem, certainly was
Thanks Sea-Kem, certainly was an adventure.
Didn't end up having that beer this time, was still shaking after a hot shower. Think it was a combination of empty stomach and shock from the cold swim :)
Business Structuring & Registrations, Bookkeeping & Tax Returns
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
The old "left the bungs out" trick
Nothing like it to enlighten your day and bring with it a bit of excitement for a brief period.
It's a good mixed bag you have got there.
Rob H
Posts: 5823
Date Joined: 18/01/12
Id call leaving the bungs
Id call leaving the bungs out all day and not sinking, a high not a low!
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 670
Date Joined: 05/01/12
Goes to show how good those
Goes to show how good those Stabicraft are if you can fish all day without the bungs in and not sink.