Gribbo's Pink Snapper

Gribbo's Pink Snapper

Gribbo's Pink Snapper from tonights shallow water excursion.


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Adam Gallash's picture

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Date Joined: 29/11/05

Monday Report

Tue, 2006-06-27 09:11

I should probably write a bit more about last nights efforts. We headed down to our local haunt on the 3 mile just before dusk to try and find a few pinkies before the soccer started. Unfortunately it seemed we were on the wrong side of the lump as we were plauged with fiddlers and banjo rays for most of the time.

The skipper did manage to get in a 4 ft bronzie on his light stuff which was instantly bled and ice slurried. There were also a few other sharks hooked but not landed due to the light leader we were using. At about 7.30 we finally found what we were looking for with Gribbo landing this fat little guy that gave some serious head shakes in the shallow water. The pinky decided he wasn't too keen on having his photo taken and tried to jump back over the side with Gribbo trying to catch him. It wasn't a pretty sight when the fully extended spines stuck into Gribbo's palm holding the fish aloft for a couple of seconds. The subsequent swelling and 5 pin prick holes in the base of the hand certainly looked painful, but he got his fish and a few coldies numbed the pain. Betchya he won't be tying too many bimini's in at Oceanside today thou. :))

All in all it was a great way to kill some time before the soccer.


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Tue, 2006-06-27 09:16

Onya Gribbo, nice fish mate :-), taken on bait?
Pinkie spines do smart too ay!!! Bet shes nice and sore today...
You know what this'll do though don'tya gribbo?? Do you reckon it might fire ya boss up to break out the tagging gear for the new pinkie season???

4ft bronzie as well....nice/yummo!!!

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15641

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Thipthorp School

Tue, 2006-06-27 09:30

Yeh, he got that one on a whole scaly. Gribbo pointed out to us last night that he's been attending the Ryan Thipthorp School of Pink Snapper fishing. Certainly paid off for him last night, the bastard. :)


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me too....

Tue, 2006-06-27 09:45

What Ryan doesn't know about targetting pinkies ain't worth knowing.... Theres certainly a lot to be learnt from the Thipthorp school of pinkie fishing. No real surprise that a scaly led its to Griboo's fishs' downfall, great snapper bait ay..?

The 9kg fish in my avatar was caught on board the good ship Thipthorp.(using his gear too....teeheee)

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Great fish Gribbo

Tue, 2006-06-27 10:04

I must start braving the cold and do some night sorties out from Mindarie on some very promising ground I have inside staggies. Have to get me one of those disco light thingy majigs that attach to your beanie first though.

Bait presentation with scaly head down was also one of Ryan's little tricks from memory. I'll have to see if I can replicate your success Gribbo. However having just come back from Exmouth I am going to take a while to get used to the cold again before I head out.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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Posts: 15641

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Head Lamps

Tue, 2006-06-27 10:39

I just can't rate those headlamps highly enough. Bolts and I bought a different lamp last week but they were invaluable last night. Can't believe I'd never thought of buying one before. Definately going to take it to Exmouth for some night fishing, hopefully Honsu's report will excite us enough to get out there and do some popping for big G's.

The snapper caught in the paper on Sunday was 15kg and from 10m of water or so I heard, definately worth the mission if you have a chart plotter. There's a gazillion and one craypots in close at the moment, won't be long until its night fishing season good and proper.


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night dive

Tue, 2006-06-27 20:50

Night diving on the D9 on the closed pinkie season is a real eye opener fellas! Just gota rate it as a frigin awsome experience. I love fishing and have fished since I was at kindy as it used to be called but seeing some big pinkies at night in a torch light is an absolute privelidge. Nice pinkie and owww(spikes) ATB MAXY