grankids first fish
Submitted by uncle on Thu, 2011-09-08 14:17
hoped to get out to the first reef to give the kids their first fishing day on the boat, it was a bit rough so came in and tied up to an empty boat space, we were hoping to get some small pinkies,bream etc, but could only manage these buggers. the kids had a ball and weren't worried they were blowies
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Good work uncle.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Ben Derecki
Posts: 1926
Date Joined: 10/10/07
Awesome.I've got to get my
I've got to get my kids out to do the same when the weather clears up.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Haha blowies, I remember
Haha blowies, I remember getting them down at chidley point at about that age.
The only way is up!
Posts: 3097
Date Joined: 12/01/07
Please keep bring them to
Please keep bring them to catch blowies, might make a dent in the population!
My kids enjoy catching as well, the type don't matter!
Posts: 3040
Date Joined: 10/05/10
you can
never ever make a dent in the population
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
Posts: 355
Date Joined: 22/11/10
and they get to see them swimming and released so they feel great about it too. Go the old blowfish! Keeping kids happy for 50 years!
Posts: 1025
Date Joined: 15/08/10
Awesome!! Cant wait to do
Awesome!! Cant wait to do that later in life... definitely would bring a smile to the face.