Didn't get too many chances to jig, but did well when we did. The way it worked was - we would troll big minnows and bibless lures on the edge of the dropoffs (50 - 1000m)and when when we had a strike(often multiple), I would start jigging while the other hooked fish were being fought. I reckon the big doggies got turned on from the action - especially hooked yellowfin - and would come to check it out. The first drop got this Cod,and the next was belted by a BIG doggie - you can't mistake the way they fight....straight down, very fast and no stopping....when I got busted up and recovered enough to complain about it....the skipper camly said, "what, now you want me to find smaller ones?"......I shut up then and tied on another jig....only to lose that one too after a more extended battle that saw my leader rubbed through on the reef.....The standout jig was a broken arrow.....easily got the most hits.
Posts: 1260
Date Joined: 06/06/06
NICE demersal on a knife jig .
Strap yourself in , and feel the GGGGG's
The lying scumbag that I am .
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Purple Maori
Is that the purple Maori Sean? How'd you go jigging apart from getting smashed up from the doggies?
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Posts: 475
Date Joined: 09/08/06
Didn't get too many chances to jig, but did well when we did. The way it worked was - we would troll big minnows and bibless lures on the edge of the dropoffs (50 - 1000m)and when when we had a strike(often multiple), I would start jigging while the other hooked fish were being fought. I reckon the big doggies got turned on from the action - especially hooked yellowfin - and would come to check it out. The first drop got this Cod,and the next was belted by a BIG doggie - you can't mistake the way they fight....straight down, very fast and no stopping....when I got busted up and recovered enough to complain about it....the skipper camly said, "what, now you want me to find smaller ones?"......I shut up then and tied on another jig....only to lose that one too after a more extended battle that saw my leader rubbed through on the reef.....The standout jig was a broken arrow.....easily got the most hits.
this is a pic of the world spearfishing record dogtooth a spearo got on Kanimbla at the same spot last year....I'm going back
[img_assist|fid=41550|thumb=0|alt=holy grail]
Posts: 388
Date Joined: 29/11/06
is that freediveing ? ,
is that freediveing ? , thats an awsom sized fish good half hour fight ther.