Fish ID
Submitted by TonyT on Sun, 2012-06-10 18:42

Now i dont want to sound silly but i believe this to be a bream, was caught up stream in kalbarri river couple of months ago by my gf and just happens to be the biggest either of us have caught,i just called it for a bream and released it, didnt pay much attention to it was my gf who caught it and not me.
But looking at the pics now, its the shape of a black bream not a tarwhine but why the stripes???? is that just what Kalbarri bream are like?
Or maybe its not a bream, i just need someone to clarify this please.
Posts: 795
Date Joined: 02/01/11
spotted javelin fish, good
spotted javelin fish, good chewing, how big was it?
Posts: 2321
Date Joined: 03/05/06
spotted javelin fish
Also known as Spotted Grunter-Bream because of the grunting noise they make on capture, adult Spotted Javelinfish are all over silvery blue. All fins, including the square cut tail are clear. The lower lobe of the tail is blotched in white towards the tip. There is a strong, spear-shaped anal spine. The mouth is relatively small.
Juveniles have numerous vertical bars comprised of small dark spots over the upper side and back. There are also dark spots between the spines and rays of the dorsal fin. These spots fade with maturity, along with the silver blue to green back of the dorsal area of the juvenile which fades to silver.
Spotted Javelinfish grow up to 6kg and 66cms in length.
They are very considered good eating and freeze well.
Spotted Javelinfish are found from Shark Bay Western Australia, around the tropical north to northern New South Wales.
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 09/07/10
Spotted Javelin fish it is
Spotted Javelin fish it is then , cheers fells.
Was around the 35cm mark....
Posts: 209
Date Joined: 13/02/12
Grunter! the best fish ive
Grunter! the best fish ive tasted