Engine problems first day in Exmouth
Submitted by bouttime on Wed, 2007-11-28 13:37

First day on the water to find oil leaking all over the leg. All this after a full service from a mob in Kelmscott. Not a good start to the trip. This and a loose fuel line conection. You have to ask where some people get there quals from.
Posts: 1672
Date Joined: 13/01/07
Bad luck
Ther is nothing more annoying than have probs on
ya fishing trip. I'd be kicking sumones ass!
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fishy fingers
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a refund on your return it may be wise to call them right away
To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
That sucks
Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime http://fishwrecked-reeltime.com/
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actually saw your boat in
actually saw your boat in there yard awhile ago with the leg off when l was looking at buying a new boat.
not what you want when your so far out of town
had you used them before?
Posts: 703
Date Joined: 27/07/06
No mate never used them
No mate never used them before and never will again. Have asked for my money back and at this stage at a stale mate. Have to wait and see what Hayway say when they look at the motor mid next month. Worst thing is i took time off work to fish and cant use the boat. I have spoken with BRP head office and will take things further with them. The bloke in Kelmscott didn't want a bar of it when i rang him from Exmouth. Had a huge blowout with him on the phone. Since then i have found out another mate had his 70hp Merc serviced there and when he took it out on the water it blew up, This after a $600 service. He took it back and they stripped it, told him its stuffed and slug him another $400 in labour.
Adam Gallash
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Date Joined: 29/11/05
Edit * Comment changed for potential legal reason.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
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There is only the 1 Evinrude
There is only the 1 Evinrude mechanic in Kelmscott but if your not sure DON'T take your boat to ******* ***** if you need a service.
***** Name edited out for defamation reasons, if you would like to know WHO NOT TO get your engine service by, PM Boutime or Adam
Posts: 4717
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Heads should roll
Assassin landbase fishing club
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Date Joined: 22/10/06
They are not the only
They are not the only ones.....couldn't get my motor serviced in Bibra Lake as they were a two week wait, so I took it to a boat shop in Mandurah and they did a shocking job, had to take it back a secound time before I could even use it.
Posts: 1943
Date Joined: 23/02/07
When our new 225 honda 4st
When our new 225 honda 4st died after 30 hours of use from an unconnected hose leading to the PSI (after putting on a new motor for the boat show), we had the same probs, salt water got sprayed around the whole motor down air intakes etc and the motor was stuffed.
Only way to get action (a new motor) was to threaten with court action, you may have to do something similar. But good luck and hopefully they'll do the right thing.
Big Kev
Posts: 441
Date Joined: 10/06/06
Outboard Mechanics
I feel for ya Bouttime I had my boat motor serviced by a mob in Port Hedland a few years back when I lived in Tom Price.We had limited choice of Boat Yards it was either Hedland or Karatha which was further to travel.I booked the boat in for service 2 weeks prior droped the boat off in the yard the avo before,when I went to pick up the boat the next day they had'nt touched it forgot about it.I was fuming, the manager organised 3 mechanics to service the motor which they did in 1 hour. When I got the bill they charged me 3 hours labour I bit my tougue and paid it cursing I would never come back.I took the boat straight back to Tom Price normally I would take it for a test run but was pressed for time. The next morning back in Tom price I discovered a puddle of Gearbox Oil on the floor under the motor,The drainplug was loose I tightened it and then rang the Boatyard and reported it to the manager who apologised and sent me a bottle of oil and a pump. From then on I travelled to Karatha for all my boating requirements.
Posts: 113
Date Joined: 09/11/07
Karratha mechs good
That little issue of damand for quality work. Sometimes you may have wait for quality but it will be worth the wait. Don't believe I've ever seen anybody push a boat home from out at sea yet.
Wishin I was fishin and only 500k's to the water..
Posts: 703
Date Joined: 27/07/06
Spoke with National manager for BRP/Evinrude and after speaking with him i now have the boat in at Chivers. The boys down there have been great so far as they got the boat in straight away even though they are flat out at the moment. Just waiting now to see if the last mob stuffed up the service so i can get my money back.
It's amazing what can happen when you speak to the right people.
wide open
Posts: 444
Date Joined: 24/12/09
stupid mechanics
there are good mechanics out there but then there are the cheap ass *&^& heads
problem is bad or good job they get paid, and then will blame you if anything happens.
which is why you should service your own engine, YOU know what YOU done on it
how do you even know their changing your oil, or putting a new impeller in, almost no way to tell if they even took the cowling off
oil and impellers are easy to change with a manuel
Posts: 7
Date Joined: 25/04/10
Do it yourself if your able
The best way to overcome these workshop problems is by doing the job yourself.
with your owners manual and basic tools its pretty easy to give your donk a service.
If you get stuck have a look on youtub, heaps of vids to do most jobs.
Posts: 9513
Date Joined: 10/02/07
bad luck
nothing worse when you have no control and it stuffs your planned trip
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 341
Date Joined: 10/08/09
and when you pass up a
and when you pass up a problem that a qualified marine mechanic would have picked up and break down 20nm off the coast a get a bill for tow wouldnt you prefer to pay the extra cash for knowledge for a professional overview?? jmo
Posts: 652
Date Joined: 21/09/09
Bad luck on that service.
I find it hard to understand how service's cost so much, Does the service include the boat as well as the motor?
I do my own service, but not everyone can or has the time.
I do know a good boat motor mechanic if anyone is interested, give Greg a ring at "Cockburn Power Boat Storage" the number is on the web site. he's been doing it since the year dot.
Dont know if he can take more work though.
Posts: 393
Date Joined: 12/06/08
Just a thought
Is the motor a 2 stroke,and was the fuel line problem at or near the actual motor?It seems to me to be 2 stroke oil that has leaked out from the head unit,and down the leg,If the hose was the oil inlet from the VRO,then it may be that it is an excess of oil,this is not to say that any damage has not been done,did you run the motor prior to finding the oil leak,if so,the motor may not have had suffiecent oil in the fuel mix to lubricate the `pistons,It is only a thought but I have seen this type of issue b4.jersey
Rod P
Posts: 725
Date Joined: 20/05/08
I don't understand
I don't understand defermation claims. If your post is correct and honest than i can't see what business can do about it. If you post a load of crap then yes i think there is a case to answer to.
As for websites/forums i have always said its like i say If you play with the sword and can die from the sword. The business in mention now has the perfect oportunity to recifie the problem and redem themselves. Nothing wrong with making mistakes, we are all human but stand behind your work and product than you have the perfect PR advertising. JMHO
Sorry to here about you holiday.
Posts: 2258
Date Joined: 27/06/08
sorry to hear about that mate!
I took my boat to get a service on my mercury a couple of months ago , Nor at a BIG flash boating place. As i was running short of time before my move, i asked them to replace the fuel hose, as it was getting weathered in the sun. When i got home i checked my fuel hose to find the priming bulb, being held in place with two cable ties..wtf Hoseclamps must be so 1980 ! Anyway last time i have to deal with them
Posts: 21
Date Joined: 14/04/10
Most new motors only have
Most new motors only have cable ties from factory, I dont see a problem with this, unless it's a high pressure system then a clamp needed.
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is your chance Marine Doctor to step in!! ***MOBILE MECHANIC***
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Date Joined: 27/06/08
Well each to there own!
Rod P
Posts: 725
Date Joined: 20/05/08
They normally will use a
They normally will use a cable tie that is rounded and specifically for hose situations. Hose clamps is advisable when the aplication is inside a engine bay though. IE sterndrives.
wide open
Posts: 444
Date Joined: 24/12/09
our mercury 60hp
fuel line the connection to the engine is held by a cable tie.
the primer bulbs clambs are these weird clips sort of things, works well though
Posts: 2539
Date Joined: 26/09/09
mate i know where you are
i know where you are coming from with the guy in kelmscott.
a total f....wit.
had him fit a anchor winch to my boat and when i picked it up the winch was flopping around like a dick in a shirt sleave. (it was ok in his opinon)
took it back the following monday(i was using the boat on the weekend) and had arguments with him about the way it was fitted.
we come to an agreement on how to solve the issuse and when i come back it had been done totally differant again, i ended up fixing it myself. he will never see my boat again!
his bad luck, because he missed out on a brand new engine replacement buy brp, would of been worth a few dollars for him.
the boys at hayway know there stuff and do good work, they have been getting all my work from now on.
hope it all works out for you in the end.
Posts: 1011
Date Joined: 03/07/07
Hey Guys have a look
at the date of the original post , 2007 , old news .
Just one more cast , honest !!!
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
And nobodys heard from him
And nobodys heard from him since,,,
Posts: 652
Date Joined: 21/09/09
Thats kind of funny.
Couple of things came out of this post though.
1/ Perhaps the font size showing the dates needs to be bigger, and clearer.
2/ If you are taking your boat on a trip, get it serviced earlier and take it for a test run or local fishing outing to see if any problems emerge first.
3/ The issue of clamps on a fuel or any other line not under pressure, I would probably go for a good quality plastic tie, rather than a poor quality clamp. I brought a new primer bulb and hose assembly, it leaked, took it back and got another (made in china) again leaked third trip back to the supplier and they just gave me hose clamps free of charge to stop it from leaking.
Posts: 2539
Date Joined: 26/09/09
i dont see what the date has
i dont see what the date has to do with anything? he is a dip shit today,yesterday,6 months ago.
the post still has to do with not using him? or at least buyer beware!
just goes to show the site is doing its job and forwarding info for those concerened.
if you are still getting bad feedback 6 months/2 years later, would that be telling you something?
the guy is a knob