

25 kg cobia on saltiga 80 grms jig! In Brazil 12 Mtrs

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Tue, 2006-02-14 16:33

What an awesome fish bruce and welcome to the site!

You say that you caught that on a jig??? Haven't seen a monster cobia like that in a long time, excellent effort.

Could you let us know a bit more about the fishing in Brazil?


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bruceyung's picture

Posts: 4

Date Joined: 13/02/06

hello adam!

Wed, 2006-02-15 11:07


here in Brazil, jigging has started in a large mass.Its likethe gold rush!...All top and new equipments brought form japan...dissapear from the stores in the same day! we have jig industreis here...already.....jigging rods and reels production..FIshing is turning out to be one big JIG over here......a large variety of fisher are caught in the jig down here... Large Cobias, Groupers, snappers, amberjacks,yellowtails, TUnas, king,blue fish etc...etc.
ouer friend got a 55 kg amberjack last week up north!huge!
But where I live, in sao paulo....thres only a few spots to jig..
the best ones where apperas huge 36 kg up amberjacks is prohibited..It became a amrine park! one is 22 miles and the oter 35 miles.....So on weekends we go out 18, 23, 30 miles out down south! on reefs and wrecks. To fish huge amebrjacks as iv seen in youre guys viedos....we need to go out about 70 to 120 miles out sea here where I live!.At this 70 miles spot..fisherman have cot a lot of 150 kg snappers...I think its called liek this in english....on shads.......

Tell us ssome about fishing in AUS!......Thanks best regards and good fishing to you and all!

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Fishing in West Aust

Wed, 2006-02-15 17:12

Interesting stuff Bruce, sounds like you have it pretty good over there! Jigging has taken off in the last couple of years over here and has become extremely popular weekend hobby. There are several charter boats which specifically target the species and tag them to help determine their movements and any scientific research they can assess if they are recaptured. Samsonfish have been the major targets for jigging, but bycatches of big skipjack trevally, pink snapper, Western Australian dhufish and a whole range of other species are becoming more common. In Perth we have Rottnest Island which has awesome reefy grounds which can be trolled for salmon, mackerel, tuna and even dolphinfish to name a few. You can also bottom bounce and catch some great table fish.

The best thing about Western Australia is the further north, or south that you head from the city, the better the fishing gets. We are starting to travel a bit more lately, our most recent trips have been to Denmark and Exmouth, check out some of the videos or image galleries to see some of the action.

If you've got any more photo's like that one, feel free to share! Love to see some om the action coming out of Brazil.

Cheers mate,


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