Based in Melbourne mate, so the majority of fishing is for snapper, gummy sharks, whiting, squid, salmon and tuna in Portland. Try and squeeze atleast 2 trip a year north either in WA or QLD. The 6500 wont be getting used a whole lot during the year but its my favourite, took me a year of saving my poo change to get it. haha
The only fishing i had time for was in swan hill got a few bream mainly carp we had the rods all set up ready to go yellowbelly bashing then it bucketed down
Nice one Patty. Good little collection your building there. Whats on the list next? Will have to take you out a few more times with you next time you in Broome..
For sure Marky! Benny and I are looking at heading back up in April or May, definitely keep you posted :). What are you thoughts on that time of year, still a chance to get that mackie?
As for whats next on the list, I dont really know. Think my fiancee is pretty sure i'v got enough now haha, maybe looking at a longer/stronger rod for my 4500 for the jetty in Broome... got some unsettled business with a few of those fish.
Hope your well mate, been getting into any fish lately?
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Nice collection there Patty.
Nice collection there Patty. where do you usually fish? And for what?
Love the West!
Posts: 1025
Date Joined: 15/08/10
Based in Melbourne mate, so
Based in Melbourne mate, so the majority of fishing is for snapper, gummy sharks, whiting, squid, salmon and tuna in Portland. Try and squeeze atleast 2 trip a year north either in WA or QLD. The 6500 wont be getting used a whole lot during the year but its my favourite, took me a year of saving my poo change to get it. haha
Posts: 9509
Date Joined: 10/02/07
looks like a serious collector
some nice bling there
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 3040
Date Joined: 10/05/10
nice collection mate
your bloody river is full of bloody carp atm hahahha
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
Posts: 1025
Date Joined: 15/08/10
haha, no way!! You get any
haha, no way!! You get any Bream, or just carp?
Posts: 3040
Date Joined: 10/05/10
The only fishing i had time for was in swan hill got a few bream mainly carp we had the rods all set up ready to go yellowbelly bashing then it bucketed down
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
Posts: 420
Date Joined: 01/05/09
Nice one Patty. Good little
Nice one Patty. Good little collection your building there. Whats on the list next? Will have to take you out a few more times with you next time you in Broome..
Posts: 1025
Date Joined: 15/08/10
For sure Marky! Benny and I
For sure Marky! Benny and I are looking at heading back up in April or May, definitely keep you posted :). What are you thoughts on that time of year, still a chance to get that mackie?
As for whats next on the list, I dont really know. Think my fiancee is pretty sure i'v got enough now haha, maybe looking at a longer/stronger rod for my 4500 for the jetty in Broome... got some unsettled business with a few of those fish.
Hope your well mate, been getting into any fish lately?
Posts: 420
Date Joined: 01/05/09
Yea will get you your
Yea will get you your mackie... Although I said that last time too..... :/
Been getting a few Barra which is always good. Havent been offshore at all but.
Yea keep us posted on when and ill try swindle it so im off work too.
Posts: 1025
Date Joined: 15/08/10
Brilliant mate, keep you
Brilliant mate, keep you posted.
Take care