boofhead going hard on "seaduced"
Submitted by harro on Sun, 2008-04-13 00:31

heres jesse.. aka "boofhead" on my boat today having fun. we caught red snapz,sambos and bid cod, got busted off big time a cple times.. no dhuies today though,very weird currents out wide.. but good fun and eneded up with good feed..
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
Posts: 340
Date Joined: 09/01/08
off canal?
off canal?
Posts: 1959
Date Joined: 07/02/08
nah mate
hey kaneo ,couldnt get u out bro coz jesse brought a cple of the ladz,we had a full crew,we went out natos played around on some new ground..deff get u out next time.. boat goes in tomorro for radar and replace vhf..hopefully next weekend
*** Seaduced - AS-120 ***
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
Posts: 340
Date Joined: 09/01/08
thats ok harro,there will be
thats ok harro,there will be dhuies on board when i go .haha
Posts: 533
Date Joined: 13/03/08
kaneo....if u can get dhuie then i wan t
damn things either werent around or they went under a ledge when we hooked em..... maybe thats what i got busted off on.... who knows and who cares.... we had a ball on the day and thats all that matters.... maybe next time,.... hay harro????
we all know it's whats around on the day