Big Trout for Josh
Submitted by mullows on Sun, 2012-03-25 18:05
Another good fish for the boy today, trout was a bee's doodle short of 80cm. Biggest trout on the boat so far...not sure this one will get pipped, for a while anyway.
The Older I get the better I was :-)
Posts: 112
Date Joined: 06/11/10
nice fish mate
nice fish mate
big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Looks like the young fella gave the fish a bit of a touch up today Mullows.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
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Date Joined: 25/12/08
He does pretty well for a
He does pretty well for a young bloke John, I take the credit for getting em onto the fish ;-). Was pretty funny, I was doing cartwheels when it came up and then I was on, but the thing fell off at the side of the boat...had to hand my reel off to other boy and then chase it. Thank god for a good gaff shot in the mouth to get him back (take net next time). They are always feisty the old trout!!!
The Older I get the better I was :-)
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
nice work for the youngster
nice work for the youngster and fish too
Love the West!
Posts: 105
Date Joined: 03/06/09
great fish for the young
great fish for the young fella i bet his arms wouldve felt like lead after
Posts: 835
Date Joined: 24/09/08
Love the colour of this fish,
Love the colour of this fish, well done
I live with fear every day... sometimes she lets me go fishing.
Posts: 1721
Date Joined: 29/05/09
great tea-rout! exactly what
great tea-rout! exactly what i was looking for and failed to find.... certianly was a good weekend for a fish.
Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target
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Date Joined: 09/01/12
Awesome fish Josh, good to
Awesome fish Josh, good to see you showing up the old man! Nice work Brett to get on the spot. If the planets line up with the tides, wind, work and the Handbrake at home, Saturday will be the day for us.
Faulkner Family
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Date Joined: 11/03/08
after seeing the red and now
after seeing the red and now this trout i would be using him as shark bait
well done Josh, anoter beauty to your record. oh and well done to the skip for stopping the boat in the right spot
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together