Australias ratio fishing area related to fish extraction
Submitted by saltatrix on Tue, 2012-08-14 19:05

Australias ratio fishing area related to fish extraction
Angling tourism is worth $10 billion to the Australian economy - 90000 jobs; more than any sport; spread the word
Posts: 325
Date Joined: 15/02/10
Glad we are in front of those
Glad we are in front of those countries, let's keep it that way
Haunted by water
Posts: 1396
Date Joined: 25/06/09
I think you are misreading the graph
Its not a race, we arent 'in front'. The information shows the Economic Exclusion Zone by km2 in blue, and the maroon column is our wild catch in metric tonnes. If this was a race, we would be coming last for having nearly 3 times more area to fish from than PNG but only producing about the same amount of fish as their catch.
Posts: 325
Date Joined: 15/02/10
I Think you misread me
Ok, simply..... We are in front of controlling our resources by not over fishing our set fishing zone. What do you mean man "its not a race, but if it was we would be last" sounds like you made it a race?
Haunted by water
Posts: 1396
Date Joined: 25/06/09
well the ratio is important right?
My comment is related to the underfishing of our resources, 'its not a race' being if it was a race it would be stupid to see who could kill off all the fish in their area right? The 'but if it was we would be last' because the axis of the graphs and the data shown shows that we are underproducing compared to other nations.
So we all give ourselves a collective pat on the back, 'Good Job fellas, our fishery is so well managed' etc... But really you go to woolies, coles, fish mongers in the burbs etc and what do you see? They are selling Aus commercial fish, but its expensive so they dont sell much, but then they have Tilipia or Basa fillets going cheap right? Or Frozen prawns from SE Asia. So really we are exporting our shortage of fish due to our underproduction to nations without the environmental controls we have. People still want to eat fish even if they cannot catch it themselves, so really is our underproduction in terms of our SE Asian neighbours a good thing because we are looking after our own backyard, or a bad thing because we are stuffing the rest of the world?
The way I see it, we could increase our fishing to 30-40% of our neighbours and still be ahead on the environmental side of things by supplying ourselves and not rooting another nations fishery by controlling the TAC and observing the relevant size and bag restrictions.
Posts: 325
Date Joined: 15/02/10
Yeah i agree sarcasmo, we
Yeah i agree sarcasmo, we probably wouldnt need to increase it even if we can just stop exporting? I know there are some profesionals out there working all this out and im happy to follow their opinion on whats best for australians.
Haunted by water
Posts: 459
Date Joined: 20/01/11
The irrelevance of this graph
The irrelevance of this graph lies in the inability to compare relative productivity of the ecosystems. If you compare bananas with pineapples this is the kind of info you can produce.
Let alone the fact you can barely catch an mature fish in some of these countries due to them being overfished.