Angeo's Boldie

Angeo's Boldie

 Fished the MBFC comp yesterday was on Angelo's boat with his wife and little Andy. Skipper got this cracker boldie, just under 6kg, took out biggest boldie, great day on the water and back at the club. The guys and girls at the club put on a great comp. Great prizes from all the sponsors. Bit seedie this morning lol


More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!

Moking's picture

Posts: 1252

Date Joined: 30/05/12

 Nice looking fish- You

Mon, 2018-03-05 11:09

 Nice looking fish- You blokes were having a great time at the Club when I left.  Not sure who kept buying the drinks,but they kept coming out ! - lol


 My Dad taught me how to Fish-Thanks Dad.(RIP)

LittleAndy's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/03/15

 I rocked up 8 30pm till

Tue, 2018-03-06 22:15

 I rocked up 8 30pm till when it closed was a funny night haha 

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 nice fish . dont see too

Mon, 2018-03-05 11:48

 nice fish . dont see too many that size. well done


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Tom M's picture

Posts: 661

Date Joined: 22/09/15

 Cracking fish just what you

Mon, 2018-03-05 13:01

 Cracking fish just what you want in a comp, well done


Tom M

LittleAndy's picture

Posts: 434

Date Joined: 01/03/15

 Deffently was a funny

Tue, 2018-03-06 22:13

 Deffently was a funny morning i must say haha didnt call for a boldie but horse of a thing biggest i seen ever!

axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

Date Joined: 26/11/13


Mon, 2018-03-12 16:44