78cm on fizzer

78cm on fizzer

well i had a dose of the dropsies tonight, hooked into 4 barra and only landed the one. Got a a few of late but this is the first on fizzer. The other fish tonight were on baits. Had a few good hits before i hooked up on to this one, sorry about the crap photo i was doing it Hans Solo tonight.

Adam Gallash's picture

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Tue, 2009-10-20 22:35

Nice recon work bro.  Dont loose all the amp before the w/end.


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PilbaraBrad's picture

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nah, not taking you here

Tue, 2009-10-20 22:41

nah, not taking you here bro

secret spot, mabey next year ill take you to this spot


Faulkner Family's picture

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1 in 4 landed, ah well thats

Tue, 2009-10-20 22:37

1 in 4 landed, ah well thats fishing for you. doesnt look too bad a fish, looks nice and healthy


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

big john's picture

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Tue, 2009-10-20 22:45

Surface lures are certainly a heart stopping way to fish for barra.

Never had a great hookup rate myself on them as I found the fish would often just displace the lure off the surface on the strike, particularly if the lure was in motion.


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Daisy's picture

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Nice Fizzin' fish bruvva.

Tue, 2009-10-20 22:46

Nice Fizzin' fish bruvva.


The view expressed in this post is that of a self opinionated bullshitter and does not reflect that of this website, it's owners, mediators, other members or anyone else for that matter :-P

PilbaraBrad's picture

Posts: 3628

Date Joined: 16/05/07

thanks bro check your pm's

Tue, 2009-10-20 22:48

thanks bro

check your pm's

HuggyB's picture

Posts: 2515

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this is just teasing

Wed, 2009-10-21 06:22

just a lazy 4 barra huh?


Nice fish.......


                    The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........

Webby's picture

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nice job brad

Wed, 2009-10-21 17:51

nice job brad


I live with fear every day... sometimes she lets me go fishing.

Lucky Tim's picture

Posts: 2536

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so there are barra in the

Thu, 2009-10-22 06:37

so there are barra in the Pilbara????? Good luck this weekend boys I'll be thinking of you.

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

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Not a bad fish there Brad

Thu, 2009-10-22 10:34

Were the other fish around the same size?


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PilbaraBrad's picture

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hard to say mate, i am

Thu, 2009-10-22 12:30

hard to say mate, i am pretty sure two of them were quite a bit smaller but the 4th was about the same

It was dark so i didnt really get a good look at two of them. the other hit close to the boat and was actually connected for a little while before i , cough...., dropped him

Lucky Tim's picture

Posts: 2536

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Pilbara Brad doesn't drop

Thu, 2009-10-22 16:17

Pilbara Brad doesn't drop barra.....what are you doing fishing solo on a week night anyway? Birthday night off?

PilbaraBrad's picture

Posts: 3628

Date Joined: 16/05/07

birthday was last sunday

Thu, 2009-10-22 20:12

birthday was last sunday mate

felt like relaxing and doing my own thing hense the hans solo mission,

cransy i dropped a few because i was probaly taking things a little bit too easy, wasnt so concerend with landing the fish, just finding them, if that makes sense....trying a couple of different things at different times, and it paid off..

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

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Well done Brad

Thu, 2009-10-22 16:34

Had a chuckle about the cough bit. Takes courage to say that!




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Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

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nice work with the fizza

Thu, 2009-10-22 18:12

nice work with the fizza mate! good luck on the w/e with ads