1st GT

Went for a recent boys trip over to Port Douglas for some fishing and drinking. Went out with a mate who does small charters out of a 6m CC Quintrex, spent the whole day from 7am-4pm throwing poppers and fishing on the day had been super quiet only manageed this big guy who tipped the scales at 35kg.
Have been chasing GT's for a number of years and not having my own boat made it hard so it was always on charters, so to finally get one and it be a good fish i was more then wrapped. What a sheer brute of a fish loved every second of it.
Tackle i was using (which i have owned now for 2 years and never got it stretched) was FWA 7"6' heavy popping stick 80lb (loved the action) good cheap rod for its capabilities, Shimano Stella 20k spooled with 60lb Linesystem braid and River2Sea 200mm dumbell popper.
Made up a video of the catch, followed by some diving with the GoPro if you want to check it out. I'll post up the forum link to thread i already made to video and the youtube link.
Cheers guys hope you enjoy.
Posts: 1217
Date Joined: 24/05/08
Nice G Bus mate. The action
Nice G Bus mate. The action does look quite comfortable on that FWA stick.
Oceanside Tackle
Posts: 2803
Date Joined: 23/07/09
Congratulations Chris on the first GT. Good to see the FWA stick putting the hurt on a brute of a fish!
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Posts: 213
Date Joined: 23/04/12
Nice GT mate , just got my gt
Nice GT mate , just got my gt combo all sorted out and waiting for a trip up north soon.
Posts: 85
Date Joined: 01/04/12
What setup you end up going
What setup you end up going with Aaron?