What do you make of this?
Angling quotas to be scaled back
Daniel Mercer, The West Australian Updated February 22, 2012, 1:30 am
The State Government would halve the amount of popular types of eating fish that recreational anglers are allowed to have under sweeping changes proposed for the sport in WA.
The Department of Fisheries will today release a wide-ranging review of WA's recreational fishing rules, outlining its plans to simplify the system and help protect threatened species.
At the heart of the review is a proposal to slash possession limits for demersal scale fish such as pink snapper, dhufish, and baldchin groper, which are highly targeted but vulnerable to overfishing.
Fisheries director-general Stuart Smith said that under the draft review, anglers would be allowed to have only 10kg of fillets for demersal species State-wide, compared with the current limit of 20kg.
They would still be able to possess up to 20kg of fish fillets, provided the rest came from other types of fish such as pelagic species, which include tuna and mackerel, or those which lived near the shore.
These included bream and tailer.
Another change put forward by the review includes reducing bag limits for some demersal species from four to two to bring them into line with the stricter rules that already apply between Augusta and Kalbarri.
The total number of demersal fish a person can catch will also be reduced from seven to five, except on the west coast where there will be a "mixed bag" limit of two on demersal species.
Mr Smith said standardising many of the rules was aimed at making it easier for the hundreds of thousands of West Australians who went recreational fishing to enjoy the sport.
"It's well intentioned having local rules but you end up with a level of complexity that just doesn't work, particularly when you have a mobile population, Mr Smith said.
He said it was also prompted by concerns over the sustainability of several "high-risk" fish species whose numbers were under constant pressure from the growing popularity and sophistication of recreational angling.
"People shouldn't be out there fishing to fill their freezer," he said.
"They should be out there fishing for the experience and to catch a feed of fish for themselves and their family.
"The sort of volumes that will still be allowed to be caught are still well in excess of fish for the person and their family."
WA's recreational fishing lobby Recfishwest was cautious in its response to the review, saying it supported simplifying current arrangements but had reservations about some of the proposed restrictions.
Recfishwest's acting chief executive Andrew Rowland hinted the group might seek to challenge some aspects of the plan, urging fishers to submit feedback during the review's two-month consultation period.
Paul Hillary, who is a member of the Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club, said recreational fishers had "taken it in the neck" with previous restrictions and questioned the merit of the latest plan.
'People shouldn't be out there fishing to fill their freezer.' "Fisheries Department director-general *Stuart Smith *
The Shooters and Fishers Party Wa
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
It's not the catch limits
It's not the catch limits themselves that are being reduced but the total amount of demersals filling your freezer. You can still have the 20kg if 10kg are other fish (e.g. Mackies, tuna, shark, etc). Personally I think it's a reasonable measure but I know some people will complain that they can only get out so often and NEED to fill a second freezer. Is it really good to have so many people heading to places like exy to "fill their quota"?
However, I would like to see some provisions for large fish. Go out with three guys on the deep drop, each get half your bag and you could be over that 10kg pretty damn easily. Let alone bagging out (which is still only two fish each). I suspect it'd have to be fairness based on an individual officer, but if so I really hope they can apply it fairly. 20kg of bass groper fillets, all clearly labeled with a date should be ok.
Rob H
Posts: 5822
Date Joined: 18/01/12
I find it a little difficult to understand how you can be quite scathing of people who "need to fill a second freezer with 20kg" and in the next paragraph complain that less than 20kg of bass groper filler might not be enough?
Thats a bet both ways if I ever saw one!
But unless you live alone it wont worry you cos your fish whole is legal and if there is 2 in your house you can have 40kg of bass groper fillets, which should be plenty for two people to eat.
Personally there is 7 in my family/house and sometimes I might come back from a trip up north with 30+ kg of fish fillets. I dont feel the slightest guilty and would be quite vocal if someone was to tell me I was a "freezer filler" in a derogatory way
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I think you've misunderstood
I think you've misunderstood my point. I never said 20kg of bass grouper "wouldn't be enough". What I said is that if the limit is 10kg of demersal fillets and you have a single fish that would push you over that limit, then I hope that there would be some provision to allow for this. A legal fish that when filleted becomes an illegal amount is a little silly don't you think?
If this idea had gone through, you could still have your 20kg of fillets anyways, just half would have to be non-high risk demersals.
I hope that your 30kg was not your personal amount (being a current limit of 20kg). As for the large family argument, sure the fish goes a lot quicker if you have a lot of mouths to feed, but surely you would not then say that you should be allowed to go out and catch 7 bag limits of fish for them on a day? (Granted that might be a little hard to fill it).
Its nice to have fish in the freezer that lasts you months, but ultimately how long can it continue? If you read my post carefully, you'll notice that the only time I used the term "fill their quota" was when posing a question. I was making no accusations or derogatory comments to anyone. I have no problem with you Rob as long as you stay within the current laws/limits. But quite unfortunately, it may be that the current rate of consumption (rec and commercial) is not sustainable. We can't always cling to the same consumption patterns as the world changes.
Rob H
Posts: 5822
Date Joined: 18/01/12
Dont stress
you dont need to chide me about possession limits, how would fisheries write up a rule to cover your situation of a fish thats been disected into many pieces already without impacting the status quo for others?
You say you have no problem with me "as long as you stay within the current laws/limits" while posing the question that it may be unreasonable for you to have to.
Why not give some away to the neighbour or something? Share the wealth, its what I do-give plenty to the neighbours and oldies around the place.
Why should we not be allowed to go out and catch 7 bag limits of fish if we have 7 licenced fishers aboard if we so choose? Thats not the case as it happens though.
I dont fish that often, once a year up north for a few weeks then maybe 6 or 7 times a year to the islands where its 10kg (which we rarely bring back).
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Daniel Strijk
Posts: 52
Date Joined: 07/01/13
Oops my bad someone sent me
Oops my bad someone sent me the link but I didnt register the 2012 part
The Shooters and Fishers Party Wa
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
I thought the limit was
I thought the limit was staying the same 20kg of demersal fillets no distinction between demersal and pelagic. I know they considered changing it but didn't. I have no problems with people going north and catching 20kg of fillets. How does that "Fill a freezer" just sounds like all the jealous pricks that can't go. You could go down to Kailis and buy 20kg of fillets there. What's the difference..
Love the West!
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Date Joined: 21/02/08
As someone else pointed out,
As someone else pointed out, that article is a year old and totally irrelevant.
Good to see the shooters and fishers party of wa keeping abreast of the issues, as they happen.
big john
Posts: 8768
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Keep up the good work Daniel, lucky the major parties like Labor don't make any gaff's.
At least this one is a mistake and not a blatant lie, at least it didn't cost the taxpayers any money.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
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Daniel Strijk
Posts: 52
Date Joined: 07/01/13
Nice dig mate haha I suppose
Nice dig mate haha I suppose thats what happens when you pull too many long hours at work
The Shooters and Fishers Party Wa
Posts: 179
Date Joined: 24/07/12
the changes
The changes are in now started this year.
PB Dhu 850 mm Pink 820mm
Howard George
Posts: 544
Date Joined: 10/03/11
Research Daniel
It's a bit hard to formulate a policy around bag and size limits Daniel because the West Coast Bio-region is pressently under review to determine the state of the fishery and until thats been completed and released for public viewing whatever you propose might not be sustainable. Something you might like to look at is the buying up of commercial fishing licenses around the State. With the implementation of the marine Parks and sanctuary zones the Pro's are saying that their business's will no longer be viable and will be looking at leaving the industry so the opportunity exists to buy them out instead of other commercial fishermen buying up their licenses. I haven't seen any other political party release this as a policy statement and know it will be strongly supported by Rec-fisho's.
Daniel Strijk
Posts: 52
Date Joined: 07/01/13
Thanks for the advice Howard,
Thanks for the advice Howard, I spoke to another keen fisho on the committee about it today and you have a very valid point about the licenses. We also discussed the quotas allocated to certain fishing licenses eg, Snapper and I surprised to hear that bycatch is allowed and can see the benefits of buying fishing licenses back to conserve certain species rather than they be moved onto other pro's. I have to look into it more though as I am no expert by any means on the subject. The last thing I would want to do is help take away another mans source of income but it could definately work on a voluntarily level.
I'm looking forward to the review to see what has worked (and hasn't). I do truely believe the boatlimits for Dhueys need to be assessed though
I would also like to see whether the restocking of Dhueys can be acheived as the reasearch from 2001? has indicated
The Shooters and Fishers Party Wa
Rob H
Posts: 5822
Date Joined: 18/01/12
"I do truely believe the
"I do truely believe the boatlimits for Dhueys need to be assessed though"
in which way would you propose to change it Daniel?
Im an F&P member and am quite curious to know which way you lean on the subject
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Daniel Strijk
Posts: 52
Date Joined: 07/01/13
I would like to see it
I would like to see it increased to allow say 3-4 licensed fishos to be able to take their Dhuey from the one boat, It might sound as though Im pushing for a free for all but there are a few benefits in doing so, like with any law people always find a way around it such as I have said before like just taking out more boats (added congestion and impact on the water?)
What I want the fisheries to look at is how raising the limit will affect the stock when we already have a baglimit in place?
Are we seeing more boats out due to this?
What you have to remember too Rob is not everyone has the opportunity to get out every week or every month for that matter and you are definately not garanteed a dhu (Im one of the ones that suck at catching them haha)
We've also been discussing lately about how the west coast bio region should possibly be looked at as in our opinion having the same rules across an area this big seems a little silly seeing as the environment and population changes quite a bit from one side to the other.
The Shooters and Fishers Party Wa
Rob H
Posts: 5822
Date Joined: 18/01/12
Im with you on that Daniel, I
Im with you on that Daniel, I dont catch many at all and mostly my fishing trips are once a month or so and out to the Abrolhos for 3 or 4 days.
My suggestion would be maybe (to simplify it as WAFisheries say they are trying...) make the Dhu bag same as Coral Trout outside the metro region.
Doesnt make sense to me to have a similar a similar limit for a short bit of coast with a million people as a bit of coast with 5 times the area and 10% of the population.
And make the amateur cray season at the islands same as coast, the 15 March-30 June has no relevance to anything anymore as commercial and hence Fisheries presence is 12 months now anyhow.
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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
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22 years
I have owned a boat and fished for 22 years and never once had a fisheries officer come to my house ....had em check the boat and my ute but never actually had them come to the door and request a freezer check ...so just wondering if its worth worring about if you get nailed doing the wrong thing and they check your house as a mater for course then I guess its part and parcel of being responsible for your own action and all .Anyone ever had there freezer checked ??....I meen personally not a mate of a mates second cousins third wife best friends ..
Fish,Crabs,Crays or anything from the Ocean ....Catch-It...Eat-It...Release-It...I Don't care Just Don't Waste It ....