Taking out New Deckies on the boat - Protocol??
Submitted by barracuda on Tue, 2024-10-22 19:52
Hey Legends, just wondering what is the GO for most of us taking out new fishing buddies?
I've been asking for them to bring $50 & some bait when heading out most the day and go half's in the catch
usually I'll have bait & get some pies cooking in the pie oven during the day.
be keen to hear your opinions and here is a vid of a few new fishing buddies that came out recently
Lefty 44
Posts: 167
Date Joined: 04/12/17
Depends on the fishing.
For new people that don't really boat fish I'll do a squid trip with them first to see how they go.
If it turns to shit, not far to go home (sea sick) and they always get to catch something.
Maybe troll a lure for Herring if going well.
If they do well or are experienced boaties then general rule is half.
Half the fuel for half the catch and bring what you want to eat and drink.
I won't charge fuel if we don't catch anything.
Always helpful if one washes the boat while the other fillets the catch too.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18091
Date Joined: 11/03/08
Generally you share cost of
Generally you share cost of fuel etc . They would still be getting a cheap day on the water. You have all the costs of the boat so I think it is fair. If they don't like it they don't go.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 205
Date Joined: 31/12/11
New deckie.
Something one might want to check, has the newby got a fishing from boat licence ???
An easy mistake to make if you take 2 bag limits your day may turn pear shaped if officers turn up.
With fuel it certainly depends on distance covered motor size etc but as a long term owner if the newby doesn't offer he doesn't get another run.
Especially for most outing for me are 100 litres of boat fuel and 45 litres of car fuel, not cheap.
Squid is $40 a box it all adds up and the skipper shouldn't have to supply all of the sundries plus cop the boat service costs. OK the boat owner wears that of course.
If we do a tyre on the way home ??? It has happened to me several times, newby won't be expected to pay up of course but these are the costs of boating the newby's wouldn't consider.
Plenty of extras, just because we are the boat owner it doesn't mean we are all Rockafellas.
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
My deckie ususally does the
My deckie ususally does the beers and the bait. I do the rest, my fuel is let's say a write off :P
Love the West!
Posts: 2630
Date Joined: 03/03/09
We should all be so lucky
BUT then again you are doing that four letter word.......WORK .....yuk
Posts: 331
Date Joined: 03/08/19
Manage expectations early
Rarely take newbies that I don't know and my costs with a small boat are modest, but even if I'm going to wear all costs anyway, have found it best to outline expectations re fuel, fish, food etc at the time the possibility of going is first discussed.
Brock O
Posts: 3264
Date Joined: 11/01/08
Taken a few newbies out over
Taken a few newbies out over the years...No charge Ill supply everything, most will offer some cash, bring beers or ask what bait to buy.
If not then no stress, just the last time they come out.
Always question the...do you get sea sick before hand through.
Posts: 3915
Date Joined: 14/10/12
I will be honest that I want
I will be honest that I want to go out and if people come with me then it allows me to go out.
My boat is a little too much for just me so if they dont come then I dont get to go.
They bring food and drinks and I will bring the transport.
Posts: 2630
Date Joined: 03/03/09
I like taking newbies out
But I always focus on putting them onto fish first ......get great pleasure out of seeing some catch something decent.
Posts: 740
Date Joined: 24/12/09
i am a regular deckie
Met some great people on this site.
Communication is the key. Deckies should be there to make the day better for the skipper. Should be clear communication of boat, target species and rough time expect to be out.
Usually easier for the skipper to provide bait and ice, but I offer to buy and bring what the skipper wants.
Deckies need to be on time - help launch boat the way the skipper says. Skipper should check the deckies fishing license, but also give a quick communication of location of safety items. Deckies need to know they get sick - tough.
Deckies need to be able to tie own knots and take care of the boat. Deckies need to provide their own gear and not bring stupid amounts of rods.
I always am happy to share catch and assist in wash down of boat at ramp.
If you don't catch any fish - tough. The skipper tried to get you on the fish.
Deckies should pay generous share of bait, ice, fuel and parking for the day. Boat maintenance and breakdowns not deckies responsibility. If a skipper wants to charge extra with boat costs in mind, that is also fine as long as communicated beforehand.
I am very thankful to boat owners who invite me out to fish - and I do what I can to make sure I will get another invite / be recommended to be invited out again with others.
Wise man says - first take the plank out of your own eye before trying to take the speck out of somebody else's.
Posts: 227
Date Joined: 01/09/13
Great advice
It reads that we share mostly common ideas about the Decky protocols
communication is key and checking the license is a good pick up
I've taking out a lot of new decky's over the years and I stated off being overly generous
so it's good to hear all your feedback thanks legends
Posts: 197
Date Joined: 13/05/16
new deckies
For airforce pilots it's wine women and song--- but for new deckies its rum bum and gramphone records.
Pulling anchors, pulling in the sea anchors, gutting fish and washing down the boat when your back to base.
All character building stuff.
Posts: 227
Date Joined: 01/09/13
Yeah I admire your ambition- I find most take off immediately after landing on land
but will keep that in mind haha
Posts: 426
Date Joined: 25/11/13
never used to charge...
but with cost of fuel these days and most new deckies are trying to pay you back somehow i usually say I'll let you know when i fill her up what we used. Funny though, after a few days u get the impression the novelty and the gratitude has worn off a bit lol.
If they get sick I tell them dont ve a fkn hero, either jump in water (wirks everytime) or if they scared of sharks more than nausea then i say we go in.
sea sickness is no joke, you need to be very careful they dont get dehydrated or youve could suddenly have an emergency situation on your hands. Really depends if you are at the fads or just in Cockburn sound.
All in all i love going out and would have anyway so bottom line is whatever theyre happy to contribute is a bonus.
my 2 cents..