sunday 4th

anyone interested in a trip out tomorrow, going out from rockigham leaving at 6am returning by 3pm for club weigh in, usual share costs?

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Hi Matt

Mon, 2007-11-05 17:00

Did you have any luck finding a deckie? And more importantly, did you have any luck with the fish?



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mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

Date Joined: 03/08/05

hi adam, nah ended up doing

Mon, 2007-11-05 18:39

hi adam, nah ended up doing my fish out from ocean reef, only got a couple of throw backs, didnt have a good day, must have hit something out there as i had the transducer ripped off the back of the boat as i found it hanging when i got back to the ramp, then i knew why i didnt really like what the sounder was showing, oh well ordered a 1kw one for it now so in a couple of weeks should have that so atleast a good excuse to get it