snapper rig advice
Submitted by dj dvd on Mon, 2012-05-28 10:26
Hey guys.
I'm fairly new at fishing but am lucky enough to have a mate with a boat. Lately we have been getting into a few snapper but unfortunately we are losing losing too many. Mainly getting snapped off at the leader-40 pound mono. any advice would be appreciated n rigs and how to bring them in
Born to Fish/Forced to Work.
Oceanside Tackle
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Date Joined: 23/07/09
Using a standard Paternoster
Using a standard Paternoster rig will generally suffice in depths of 30m +. Using Heavier Leader like 80lb will generally help prevent bust offs on structure and tooth abrasion.
If fishing shallower than say 40m than a drift bait rig will be dynamite and will produce the goods. Using a length of 60-80lb leader will help prevent bust offs too.
Pink Snapper are notorious for having vicious head shakes and sometimes using a rod that is too stiff can make your life uncomfortable and can sometimes result in pulled hooks if the hooks arnt set right into thier bony mouths. Having a rod with a slightly soft tip can help prevent such problems.
We can give the full rundown instore on how to set up Paternoster rigs and Driftbait rigs.
Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.
Don't forget to ~ Like us on Facebook ~
Phone #(08) 9337 5682 - Shop 4/364 South Street O'Connor - OPEN 7 Days
dj dvd
Posts: 237
Date Joined: 27/03/12
Sweet Thanks for the advice
Thanks for the advice - I think it is likely leader problems since I'm only using 40 pound and most of the time that is where it's snapping. Although they do pull the hooks sometimes. I will pop in and get some leader of you guys.
Born to Fish/Forced to Work.
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
When you say snapped off at
When you say snapped off at the leader, do you know if it was abrasion (e.g. the reef) or if it was your knots? Do they snap off at the bottom or once you get them up a bit? Have you set your drag right before a strike to stop them pulling you straight into the reef before you get a chance to adjust your drag. If it is snapping off but not while they're running, you could have weak knots, or your drag set too high? Always good to check all the culprits. I'm sure the boys at Oceanside will show you the knots when they show you the rigs and if you bring in your rod, help you pick the right drag so everything is covered.
dj dvd
Posts: 237
Date Joined: 27/03/12
Most of the time I'm losing
Most of the time I'm losing fish on the second run. I think I might be setting my drag too hard after the first run when I bring them in and losing them on the second run. Not sure if it's the knots or snapped leader I think a combination of both - also sometimes pulled hooks. I've only been fishing for a 6 months and I think I'm playing these fish like the tailor we were getting over summer. Most of the fish have been hooked in shallow water <10 metres so losing them once they are off the bottom. Although my mate has had a couple bury him. Any tips on seating nots on heavy leader line and what to set your drag to?
Born to Fish/Forced to Work.
dj dvd
Posts: 237
Date Joined: 27/03/12
Most of the time I'm losing
Most of the time I'm losing fish on the second run. I think I might be setting my drag too hard after the first run when I bring them in and losing them on the second run. Not sure if it's the knots or snapped leader I think a combination of both - also sometimes pulled hooks. I've only been fishing for a 6 months and I think I'm playing these fish like the tailor we were getting over summer. Most of the fish have been hooked in shallow water <10 metres so losing them once they are off the bottom. Although my mate has had a couple bury him. Any tips on seating nots on heavy leader line and what to set your drag to?
Born to Fish/Forced to Work.
dj dvd
Posts: 237
Date Joined: 27/03/12
Mods can you please delet my
Mods can you please delet my double post
Born to Fish/Forced to Work.
Posts: 1367
Date Joined: 17/12/06
snelled hooks
use snelled hooks setup deadly and you wont lose em, i usually use a 80pd leader with a running sinker down to 2 snelled 5o gamis or tarpons