Sharks on A current affair

Hey there folks,

Just a heads up about a piece A current affair is running tonight on tagging of sharks. Pretty sure it is on from 6:30 tonight and should make for some interesting watching

mitch's picture

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Tue, 2005-10-25 20:26

always in it just the depth that varies

seen it on a current affair , blooby great stuff.hows today tonight running a shark story exactly the same time ,there all a bunch of tosers trying to compete for ratings

still wouldnt mined hooken a great white of the beach

frizza's picture

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sharks off the beach

Tue, 2005-10-25 20:41

leave nothing but footprints,take nothing but memories and maybe a few fillets and a muddie or two

i think the diawa will need a service before you atempt that.
and i won't be pouring your drinks this time.
coolgra point rocks.

Adam Gallash's picture

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Whites off the Beach

Wed, 2005-10-26 09:20

How awesome was that story.. I thought that was unreal, taking only 15 minutes before landing one off the beach!!  Maybe someone should be down at cottesloe one of these days giving that a shot..

I thought the game chair on the front of the 4by was mint! Some of those sharks were chunky as.. Very impressed from off the beach.. Scary to think that they are that easily caught..


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sambo's picture

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bags not being the guy in

Wed, 2005-10-26 15:24

bags not being the guy in the wetsuit!

If you missed it, check out:

Sydney Morning Herald Article about the Shark Hunters

Before you get excited:
Minister bans 4WD shark fishing
New South Wales Primary Industries Minister Ian Macdonald has banned the actions of a group of men who have been using four-wheel drives to catch great white sharks off a beach, near Newcastle.
The men were filmed using surfboards to swim salmon baits out to the juvenile sharks off Stockton Beach and then reeling them in from a chair mounted on the vehicle.
Mr Macdonald says he has introduced a ban on the use of heavy fishing equipment and baits weighing more than 200 grams between Stockton and Hawks Nest to stamp out the activity.
"I found it quite extraordinary what these individuals were doing, very dangerous to themselves and very dangerous to beachgoers in the area," he said.
"Great white sharks are highly territorial and attracting them to that area is a danger not only to people doing the practice, but also other members of the community."

(links flogged from


gone with the wind.

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Why swim them out

Wed, 2005-10-26 15:43

Thought it was a bit of a joke that they swim the baits out. Dont know if they were trying to be big heros or what?? Isnt that what rods and casting was invented for?

Adam Gallash's picture

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Wed, 2005-10-26 17:02

Yeh.. It is endangering other people that swim on other beaches nearby.. But then again, none of the guys carrying the bait out have been bitten.... yet.  The sharks seemed to swim off like nothing happened after being captured.  I don't really see that theres a hell of a lot of difference from catching one from a boat behind the breakers, unless that is illegal too?


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Spooled's picture

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Missed it

Wed, 2005-10-26 18:23

Hey ads, missed all the action with  the sharks by the sounds of it. Do you know if anyone had it taped. Would be great if anyone could get a copy

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15659

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Not sure

Thu, 2005-10-27 09:00

Don't know.. I didn't, but I certainly wished I had, well and truly worth looking at again.. But by the sounds of the government with the banning, don't think we'll be seeing it again in a hurry..


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