School holiday sparrows trip
Submitted by sunshine on Fri, 2022-10-07 15:34
Having promised a mate et al that if the weather was kind we would go and chase some fish provided they could get up.EARLY. Well I was going to hit a,spot just inside FFB but stopped about 40 metres short as it can claim a lot of tackle. The smallest rod in the boat went off first giving Luke his pb......not snapper but a really good gummy. From that moment on until sun up it was pandemonium with rods going off, tangles but by seven we had all had enough .....plenty of feeds for the closed season
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 21/05/12
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Drooling Gordon, beautiful
Drooling Gordon, beautiful fillets there.
Love the West!
Posts: 1534
Date Joined: 06/02/13
Epic! Well done
Epic! Well done
Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic
Da pirate
Posts: 1577
Date Joined: 03/05/15
Some good quality eating there
and lots of it . Cheers pirate
Sea goat
Posts: 999
Date Joined: 26/03/17
love gummy shark. the amount
love gummy shark.
the amount of meat that comes off them is amazing. nothing left but a head and spine!. nice catch!
Posts: 2493
Date Joined: 08/09/16
Awesome day out Gordon! Some
Awesome day out Gordon! Some great meals on the way!
PGFC member and lure tragic
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Nice gummys
Big ice cream fillets . Top stuff
Happy dayz
Posts: 451
Date Joined: 29/04/18
Geez what a haul sunshine ,
Geez what a haul sunshine , ive only ever caught one as a by catch before in the sound one night would love to figure out how to catch them consistently, enjoy your fillets mate top notch eating
Happy dayz
Posts: 2633
Date Joined: 03/03/09
All but one caught on whole herring
And we were outside the Sound. I was as surprised as anyone to find a school of really good fish and we left them biting. Shared amongst four families so great fresh meals and plenty of vac packed fillets in freezers. So little waste, fins, head and spine .......must be the best fish you can catch for such great returns
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18094
Date Joined: 11/03/08
Well done. Great feeds on the
Well done. Great feeds on the way for sure
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Lefty 44
Posts: 167
Date Joined: 04/12/17
Well done.
FYI Dehydrated shark cartilage is a great suppliment for older dogs.
It is an easily used source of collagen and is great for their joints.
Posts: 2493
Date Joined: 08/09/16
Good info Lefty. Might try
Good info Lefty. Might try it on my pooch.
PGFC member and lure tragic