Quantum "tour edition" baitcaster reel - who uses one ???


have seen a Quantum Tour Edition baitcaster reel in a catalogue and one shop has offered it to me for just $185

Could be a bargain


could be a load of ******* :)

has anyone got one of these reels



10 bearings has impressed me :)
BUT.... I'm just so easy to impress



  Maîneÿ . . .


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Posts: 177

Date Joined: 17/09/10

No negative replies- so has to be a bargain :-)

Wed, 2012-09-19 18:32


Bought it when I looked on the net and seen prices for the Quantum Tour Edition Baitcaster with a suggested retail price of $499


Now to find the fish





  Maîneÿ . . .