no complaints on fishing fees?
See article below, more details in mondays west page 3. In summary, the important part lies in the fact that several MPs are mentioned as having only received one or 'a few' complaints either by phone or email (some have received NO complaints?!? come on guys, there's no point us all grumbling into our beards about it. if we dont have our say we have to just shut up and deal with whats decided for us. perhaps people who know/care can post the details of their local MP? surely its worth a call or email to have your opinion counted..?) cheers
Anger grows over WA fishing fees
20th July 2009, 6:45 WST
Fisheries Minister Norman Moore faces pressure from Liberal backbenchers fielding complaints over plans to charge anyone who fishes from a boat a fee of up to $180 a year.
Murray-Wellington MP Murray Cowper said he outlined his concerns about the policy to Mr Moore after being inundated with complaints from constituents. He had offered his contacts within the industry but was not consulted before the announcement.
“They’re not happy about it,” he said. “Emails, probably about a dozen, phone calls — about the same, but in person just about everyone I know.
“I’m getting all these inquiries from people and apart from the media release that was put out, that’s all I know.
“What’s the $150 a year going to be spent on? Are they going to put on more fisheries inspectors? Are they going to have some sort of a breeding program? I think it’s pretty poor timing.”
Wanneroo MP Paul Miles said he had had only one complaint from a constituent but was aware of the backlash some colleagues faced. He agreed with the policy but said backbenchers should have had more information.
“When I first saw the changes in the newspaper, I did think it was a fairly major policy not to have been given some upfront briefing,” he said.
“Whether that has slipped by because of needing to get legislation through Parliament before the winter recess, I don’t know, and I’ll give everybody the benefit of the doubt, because most of the other ministers, when they have policy changes that are anything major, they always give us a call and brief us.”
His concerns were backed by another backbencher, who did not want to be named. “I have heard there are some things that people want to have a look at and I think that’s fair and reasonable,” the MP said.
Another two Liberal MPs who would not go on the record shared concerns about the fees.
Carine MP Tony Krsticevic, who has had only one complaint despite having Marmion Angling Club in his electorate, believes he has enough information. His challenge was “how we inform the public and get the message through”.
He said it was important to convince people that money raised by the fees would go back to research declining fish stocks.
Geraldton MP Ian Blayney said he had a “reasonable number of grumbles” but as a farmer he was frustrated that people were not convinced of the need to reduce pressure on the fishery.
“If people don’t accept the science, they’re never going to accept the measures that the Government has to introduce to protect the stocks,” he said. “I don’t have much doubt that there’s more pressure on the fisheries all the time.”
Ocean Reef MP Albert Jacob said he expected uproar within his electorate but had not received a single phone call about the fee.
Mr Moore could not be contacted yesterday.
Posts: 162
Date Joined: 27/03/07
Jandacot MP fella
Ph: 9310 8777
Fax: 9332 8880
or check this address for more MPs from different areas.
get into it - we pay em, lets use em.
Posts: 162
Date Joined: 27/03/07
pilbara dude
Electorate Office:
Shop 26A
South Hedland Shopping Centre
South Hedland WA 6722
Postal Address:
PO Box 2667
South Hedland 6722
Ph: 91401711
Fax: 91401525
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Maybe its just that a lot of
Maybe its just that a lot of people dont think much will happen. I doubt many people actually expect letters to get read or phonecalls to get answered personally either.
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
You're local MP
must respond to any correspondence you send him or her. I would make that your first contact.
Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
I think the time is ripe to
I think the time is ripe to think about a date for a protest rally as well,,promoted through the 4 W.A fishing mags ,,news papers etc it would be something the average fisho could get his/her teeth into being outdoorsy types.
50,000 or more folk at Parliment house would be hard to overlook .
Jabba Jabba
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 02/07/09
600 email addresses
I have access to nearly 600 email addresses of those people who have signed the petition. If some sort of event was organised I can email the info to these people.
Mindarie Districts Sea Sports Club
Craig J
Posts: 103
Date Joined: 10/01/07
Action NOR has been taken
I Don't quite believe this above article.
First an formost I do believe that action has to be taken to conserve our existing fish stocks. But what is currently on the table needs addressing. Representatives of the club that I belong to have had official meeting with our local member and the opposition Minister Ford. Minister Moore has ignored any attempt to contact him across the board.
We will also be meeting with other clubs next week.
The current proposed legislation is being tabled in parliment on 11 August. If enough noise is not made by then, thats it.
The main stumbling block that we are finding is no one can agree on an alternative. So a united front can not be launched. No organisation has put forward an alternative that we all agree on. What we appear to be lacking is a Recreational fishing association that can act as our representative body. Coming up with acceptable alternatives that we can all get behind and PUSH.
However we will keep punching forward until the end. After all I believe when it comes to fishing the biggest conservationists are fisherman.
Posts: 151
Date Joined: 02/07/09
How convient, that the
How convient, that the proposal will be tabled in parliament on August 11, the day before the Perth Boat Show starts. I suppose the proposal will be tabled late at night, when half the politicains will be half asleep.
fishing, that used to be free!!!!
Posts: 1508
Date Joined: 01/11/06
im sure im going to get shot
im sure im going to get shot for this ... but im not going to complain about the new fees ... the only thing that conserns me is the closed season .
i think the closed season should be during breeding time e.g now while all the pinkies are breeding down here in busso . and later in the year to protect the dhu's breeding times.
i also have a worry about ppl going out in crappy weather down here because they cant get out over the summer months. im thinking the amount of mayday calls will go up (but im hoping they dont).
as for a fee to fish .. i spend more on fuel in a weekend or just a cheap reel .. if the money goes to helping my fishing future then that fine with me.
Posts: 223
Date Joined: 28/10/08
I agree with ya Feral,we
I agree with ya Feral,we spend more on fishing gear through the year and to run the riggs.
How ever really we only need a feed and the rest of the time is for the sporting of fishing,well thats just me.
been out at times and just lost gear and let fish go but still have the smile on my dial.
Fish for our kids future.
Posts: 606
Date Joined: 30/06/09
Yeah I agree Feral, the big
Yeah I agree Feral, the big picture to me is not that bigger deal, considering that something has to be done to reduce the take. Whether it is the right thing to do is up for grabs, but to me, something is better than nothing.
Posts: 1752
Date Joined: 07/12/08
Aint bovered! face bovered
Aint bovered! face bovered face bovered, i aint bovered...
(Kathryn Tate show - a few poms might get it)
Gooooone Fishin!
Posts: 2692
Date Joined: 05/09/08
Horses Hoof
Geraldton MP Ian Blayney said he had a “reasonable number of grumbles” but as a farmer he was frustrated that people were not convinced of the need to reduce pressure on the fishery.
“If people don’t accept the science, they’re never going to accept the measures that the Government has to introduce to protect the stocks,” he said. “I don’t have much doubt that there’s more pressure on the fisheries all the time.”
What a load of crap! This family has decimated the farming land up there for decades introducing salinity problems and mass clearing of land to grow their crops. Now he wants to talk about science???? Get real Ian and get a grip mate.
Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.
Posts: 4688
Date Joined: 01/12/07
Wilson Tuckey
Is my local MP, i won't be writing to someone that I don't respect (and that's the polite version, I wont elaborate on cerebral deprivation! ;) ).
But I have written to many others.
The best advice I can give is sustain your rebuttals, and keep them focused respectful and constructive.
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
Posts: 2692
Date Joined: 05/09/08
My Personal Feelings based on fact
What right has this guy got to comment on something as important as this when in fact he has no idea? Fair enough Colin, we sould be respectful if we are seeking comment. I am mearly voicing distain on quotes from someone who has no real touch with the fishing community and sites science as something we should respect when in fact he has shown no regard for science at all other than to grow crops and graze sheep at the expense of the environment.
I go back to my original statements in that I respect the government for finally "trying" to address the issue of sustainabilty in fishing but rebutting them "respectfully" for cashing in on the rec fisherpersons by way of taxes. If stopping us fishing because it's too expensive then lets look at what the future holds..
Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.
Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
Wrote to Mr Moore.. why should I take it up with my local MP? Is that the problem? Do we have to jump through a million hoops to make our voice heard? My gut feeling is that this government will do what it feels like, regardless of how you, me or the bloke next door feels. At least in Zimbabwe or North Korea, you KNOW you're f*cked,,,not like here where they put a pretty smiley face on everything and make you feel like you're important.
By the way, the moon landing was fake.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Amen brother, its just a
Amen brother, its just a tool they use to keep us down =)
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
Totally agree Auslobster
Now they have brought in that when you die (male/female of the family)l your superannuation that you thought was left for the wife/husband to have a easy life will be taxed now I'm not sure if its Federal or State that has done this, personally I don't care who is in State or Federal government they'll rape you anyway they please. I'm not worried about the fishing fees, my main worry is where the hell is the money going. If its straight to Fisheries for employment and research good, but my gut feeling the tax's from fishing license will be the big vanishing act and don't be suprised if it goes into the Royalities for Regions Scheme. As we were promised sewerage here in Spearwood, now there is no money, yet the country people are getting thousand and thousand of dollars, yes some country towns need the money desperately, shut Roberta your ranting, sorry fellas, I just get so peeved off smetimes.
Ginger Tablets Rock
Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
I was phone interviewed today by fisheries
they were seeking feedback on the proposed changes.
Seems plenty of people have had the same or similar comments to what I have already stated on other threads.
Pleasing to see they are seeking feedback rather than waiting for it to arrive.
Just another angle on it for you.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club