new 2 stroke rules & regs



Who knows the genuine facts and truths about the 2 stroke bans on sales of 30 HP outboards ( 2 strokes ) 


I want a new 30 hp eTech fitted to my Stacer - what are the regs & rules ??







  Maîneÿ . . .


Posts: 579

Date Joined: 23/04/14

Not a ban on 2 strokes specifically

Sat, 2019-06-15 01:01

From 1 July 2018 importers/distributors were banned from importing high emission small engines.  They had 12 months to get rid of existing stock.  From 1 July 2019 it will be illegal to even sell these engines (as new).  Having said that I read a few days ago that this was going to be extended by 12 months.

The ban isn’t on 2 strokes, it’s on high emission engines.  Pretty much any carburretted 2 stroke won’t pass.  Direct injection two strokes like Etecs are fine.




Posts: 579

Date Joined: 23/04/14

Used still ok

Sat, 2019-06-15 01:04

In relation to your other question, it’s not about the boat, it’s about the motor.  You can still buy and sell used 2 strokes, but you won’t be able to buy a new non DI 2 stroke regardless of what it’s going on. 
