Monkey Mia this Weekend
Hi all, New member and my first time posting on here.
Looking for some advice, I'm taking the family to Monkey Mia this Friday (returning Tuesday). I have a 4.5m Savage runabout. Wind looks great Friday, but we will arrive too late. Sunday and Monday its blowing its guts out so the boat wont be an option.
I have read all the historical post on here about Monkey Mia, and there is some fantastic advice.
However I have the age old delema.... For Saturday Seabreeze is showing 12 -14kn until lunch time for Shark Bay, and Nautide is 5-10kn wind at land and 22-27kn wind at sea for Monkey Mia.
Can anyone advise if Saturday will be okay for say 500m off the shore or maybe advise if there a sheltered bay we can duck into? I havent boated up their before.
I own my own business, so even one day out in the boat is cherished..
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18100
Date Joined: 11/03/08
Depends on wind direction
Depends on wind direction but if your only going that far out you shouldn't have much of a problem.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 11
Date Joined: 23/04/20
Nautide is showing SSW
Thanks, I was thinking close in should be okay.
Just dont want to leave the boat at home and get up there, then kick myself. Dont get away that often.
Posts: 46
Date Joined: 09/01/17
Light WSW Wind Saturday
According to Willy Weather should be fine in close at Monkey Mia.
Posts: 11
Date Joined: 23/04/20
Thanks Jrod
that was what I thought, but looking at three different weather apps and all vary quite a bit. So just wanted some comfirmation from others.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18100
Date Joined: 11/03/08
If you didnt take it and the
If you didnt take it and the weather was good you would regret it. A boat that size wouldn't cost much in extra fuel to tow
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 11
Date Joined: 23/04/20
My thoughts exactly Russ
I have a Prado, so doesnt even know its on the back. The delema for a quick trip was more about all the packing and checking everything before we head off and the same one return if it was to be a bit hit and miss.
Not looking to get out too far this time, will be just me, the wife and our 10 year old son going for a cruise and wetting a line to see what we get.
Posts: 46
Date Joined: 09/01/17
Boat Hire
Perhaps check out the boat hire options,
It could be too late to book by now but the local company had a little pollycraft in the link above that would be ideal for in close and would save you the hassel of towing up there especially if your only going to use it for one day.
Posts: 11
Date Joined: 23/04/20
Boat Hire Option
Yeah thought about that Jrod, but a bit the same as taking the boat and not using it. Would have to book, then if it was too windy either cancel the booking or still pay the hire fee.
Will take my boat up. Will post how we went, so in the future if anyone else has the same question, should be able to find the answer.
tennis coach
Posts: 48
Date Joined: 20/06/12
Dropping in the arvo
We have a 4.75 and we take it to the first channel no dramas with that forecast wind
Plenty of small snapper and chance at a Blue Bone in close
Crabs are also an option only a few 100 m of the beach to the left when you head out
I would be taking it for sure
We are heading up week 2 of holidays and hanging out for it
Cheers Anthony
Posts: 11
Date Joined: 23/04/20
Game set match by the tennis coach
Thanks Anthony, just the what I was after someone with similar sized boat who has done it up there before with that forecast. Boat will now be coming out of the warehouse tomorrow for sure.
We are only going for 4 x nights, but for me that is like getting two weeks off. So even one day out will be awesome.
Driving up on Friday, planning saturday out in the boat, Sunday is totally windy so going to do the national park 4wding for the day (with a rod in the back) and Monday still windy as, so wifes leasure day. Coming back Tuesday.
We couldnt get in at school holidays, totally booked out. So the young one is getting a couple of days away from the teachers.
Good call on the crabs, forgot I was going to get some nets before we go. Hopefully a snapper or Blue Bone to break my non-existent catch rate in Cockbourn Sound over the past 12 x months!
Will let you know how we go.
tennis coach
Posts: 48
Date Joined: 20/06/12
Wish you luck buddy
Sometimes we only need 1 nice day on the boat and it makes the trip
We have a 4.75 savage and my teenage boys and I love it