Lowrance HDS gen2 issues

 Noticed that my HDS gen 2 stopped showing the date on 22/10/18 (all my recent marks show as same date.
Discovered its a world wide issue...



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RobertMc's picture

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Mine has done the same, i was

Tue, 2018-12-04 02:16

Mine has done the same, i was wondering what was going on, but i havent got around to looking into it.

I am definately interested in the fix when it is released.

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Tue, 2018-12-04 08:30

 mine doesn't show the time correctly. Even when I set it, it automatically corrects it to the wrong time. Now that just check the timen on my phone.

I'll keep an eye out for the update. Thanks for letting us know.

scubafish's picture

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Not sure if you have seen this .

Tue, 2018-12-11 08:43

The date on my display is incorrect.

We are aware that there is an issue that affects the date displayed, on some of our units, that is received from the GPS module. This issue has been confirmed by our GPS chip provider, ST Micro, and they have sent us new firmware to begin testing on our affected platforms.

Once we have a confirmed fix, we will publish the fix to the market as well as send out a formal communication.

We understand and apologize for any inconvenience that this issue has caused, and assure you that we are working urgently to find a resolution to those affected customers.




westbam808's picture

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 Hey there folks, its been a

Thu, 2019-03-14 02:36

 Hey there folks, its been a long time since I have revisited this spot but thought I would just take the opprotunity to ask for help if I may with my HDS 12 Gen 2, because it seems you may have access to the back door at Lowrance, being an employee. My issue is the unit was purchased from a good mate and it was a refurbished one he had rebuilt by lowarance. It was a great unti until it got wet and died. I invetisgated the cause and discovered the membrane covering the switch panel down the right hand side was not glued down and had been forgotten during the rebuild and the result is now a fried machine. I am gutted because the unit is out of its refurbed warranty and I am desperate to find a solution. Im looking for someone who may know of an obsolete unit i can get parts from or a reliable repairer here in Perth becuase Lowrance dont do the parts and I am trying to get it fixed. I am desperate to find a way out of this horrendous stuationso any help would be nuch appreciated. Cheers


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 Hey mate, I dont think

Thu, 2019-03-14 07:44

 Hey mate, I dont think Scubafish is a Lowrance employee, he has just cut and pasted a response from them.

Depending how long out of warranty it is, your best bet may be Consumer Affairs, as the life expectancy of your unit is what governs how long the manufacturer must provide support.

Not the figure plucked out of the air by the manufacturer (or refurbisher) which actually means little to nothing in the legal sense.

Get some advice, then approach them.

I dare say though, that being;

  • "refurbished" (I didnt know Lowrance did this)
  • Bought used from someone else (you didnt buy it from Lowrance) which means you dont have any contract with Lowrance
  • Already dismantled by you

that you may have a struggle with it unless perhaps your good mate pursues it as the purchaser?


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scubafish's picture

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Correct Rob ,

Thu, 2019-03-14 11:31

Yep copy from lowrance site in states.

PM sent to Westbam.



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Lowrance update available

Mon, 2018-12-24 14:18

 Just received an email from APAC (Lowrance) that a date fix update is now available.
Im away at sea so wont be able to do mine til Jan.

Link here



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 i did the update yesterday

Mon, 2018-12-24 15:33

 i did the update yesterday rob, straight forward and havent heard any complaints from any social media regarding the update.

 cheers for the heads up

Posts: 5823

Date Joined: 18/01/12

 Thats good, I was starting

Mon, 2018-12-24 16:40

 Thats good, I was starting to think they were trying to do an "Apple" job with controlled obscolescence and flicked the US Navico an email along those lines.

Got an email from them this morning.


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Mon, 2018-12-24 19:50

Will try this over the next couple of days. 

Quobbarockhopper's picture

Posts: 392

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 might be an obvious/ silly

Tue, 2018-12-25 14:45

 might be an obvious/ silly question but which patch/ update is required from Rob Hs link?

Posts: 5823

Date Joined: 18/01/12

 Ha I thought the same when

Tue, 2018-12-25 17:54

 Ha I thought the same when the link was sent to me.
Think down the bottom is "GPS patch"


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Quobbarockhopper's picture

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Thanks mate  

Wed, 2018-12-26 11:24

Thanks mate  

Ericl's picture

Posts: 476

Date Joined: 02/05/11

Did the patch

Thu, 2018-12-27 06:14

 Thanks for ther heads up Rob. I did the patch and the time is back which is good (bad) Dont have an excuse for getting back late any more 


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Thu, 2018-12-27 10:12

 Good to know it does work.
Would have been better if Navico had been a bit more open with the issue and communication though!


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Tue, 2019-01-01 11:33

I just did this upgrade, unfortunately it didnt work.

It locked out my HDS from operating (it would just constantly reboot after 10-20seconds).

I then had to do a hard reset, reisntall the old version, then reinstall the latest version.

All good now, but the hard boot meant i lost all my waypoints (which i had backed up).

be sure to backup your data before any firmware upgrade (really shouldbe done regularly anyway).