How fast do you travel in your boat off Perth
Submitted by bradz on Fri, 2011-01-14 10:44
Hey guys
You read on alot of forums that guys wont put an engine on a boat unless it can do 40 knots. I have found that off Perth and the West Coast (southern half) you normally cant do more than about 25 knots without having a really uncomfortable ride.
As I am looking for the right motor for my new boat (575 Cruisecraft Outsider) I was seeking some input on what sort of top speed is acceptable.
Sure, you occasionally get the glass off's when you can sit on 40 knots but would you consider 32 knots as too slow to expect as a maximum speed.
I am considering fitting a 130 Etec reckon I'll get around 34 to 36 knots out of it on a good day. What is your opinion.
I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.
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dont get an etec mate!!
just my opinion, but there are A LOT of better outboards available, and most are cheaper than the etec. go speak to the boat dealer (ex-etec dealer) in kelmscott. he showed me and my brother countless busted up gearboxes, motors, and parts from his etec dealing days. i'm sure there will be a lot on that topic as the post progresses....
40 knots is a rareity these days in wa mate. mine will do 34 knots flat out, but its only on the calmest of calm calm days. most of my travelling is done between 14 - 20 knots, and some just either side of that, depending on the weather. i think you will find the majority of boat owners around the same. the trick is to go as economically and as smooth as possible. last thing you want is to replace half your vertebrae at age 28, all because you wanted to get to the spot flat out.
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E-tech have turned
E-tech have turned bad...
is there that MErcury Saltwater?
our boat is 5.5m Ali and 135hp stern-drive 3ltr Mercruiser?
any ideas on flat out speed?
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
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I don't really have a problem
I don't really have a problem with etecs, none of the ones fitted to boats I've been on have ever been a problem.
Keep in mind that its waterline length thats really going to get you a good ride in more conditions, not necessarily just fitting more power to a smaller hull.
Perth is frequently bumpy, so you can't expect to just plane over it doing 25kn on a sub-6m hull.
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Depending on who you speak to, some people love them and some hate them. I did speak to the dealer in Kelmscott and he mentioned the problems that they came accross.
Having said that, if I am buying a new engine with a 5 year warranty it would cover almost everything...except for owner neglect I imagine.
Keep the opinions coming guys.
I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.
Ryan C
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travelling speeds in boats perth
hi guys , i have a near 8m glass centre console (seafox) and still on most days about 22/24 knots is a comfortable speed i think as long as you have enough grunt for those really rough days and getting through reef with swell ,a huge top speed isn"t really that important, my boat does 37knts flat out with twin 115 4 strokes but its a very rare day you can go that fast off perth. Interesting comments about e-tecs as everything i have heard is all good and the two guys i know with them think they are awesome.
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I have heard nothing but good
I have heard nothing but good things about Etecs and know they are really good on fuel economy. I have been told that once they go past 115hp they are not recommended. Think it was something to do with finding a good balance between full throttle and planing.
460 Dory w/ 60hp Evinrude eTech.
H Days!
Tony Halliday
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I have an old Bertram 25 with
I have an old Bertram 25 with a monster in it
yip 415 hp mercruiser... and my first tub was a 21 foot Trophy with a 225hp Mercuiser as well, both rigs can do 40knots!
So I can tell you, 25 knots is more than enough for 90% of your off shore work, and only on glassed offed days with no swell will you ever use over 30knots.
Yes I have come back from the FADs at 40knots, but it's like once or twice a year you can do that. Over Chrissie when the swell and chop was average, we found 22~24knots the sweat spot coming back and going to Rotto.
so I'd go for enough power to get you up to a max of 30knots, allowing your motor not to be stressed at 25knots most of the time.
My view is go Suzi 145hp, dam nice motor or if you got the extra go the 150 or 175hp Suzi.
Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~
It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it
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Well i just have a 75hp
Well i just have a 75hp Mercury havent had a problem and ive done 90% of the 400hrs on it in the past year. Runs well but would say go for the newer fuel efficient motors. Alot quieter etc. In terms of motor my choice def the newer hondas. Etecs are great, great for the usual service but when a big problem comes along it can get pricey. Suzi's are the most expensive followed by the verados to service. Johnsons have gone downhill and not too many newer boats run them.. That info coming from a guy that checked my boat out last week, when he gave me some advice when i looking for a new boat or just a motor.
Now info i can shed light on is speed. 4.75m ally with 75hp. Most days il cruise at 16-20knots. Does get to 34knots top speed but chews the fuel and only when glass off like you said. If its descent weather i find 23knots is a great top speed for fuel/time efficiency. Hope helps a little.
Forever learning with fishing
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I too cruise around at 22/23
I too cruise around at 22/23 knots - depending on conditions. I have a Honda Four on a Haines Hunter CC.
If I was heading back east, I'd be trading in motors. Purely because most of my boating/fishing required me to cross bars where every bit of hole shot & HP was critical.
As for Perth waters, my setup is perfect. Simple economical cruising & able to do over 30kts on calm calm days.
When I was looking at the cruise crafts (os or ex 625 - 150-175hp was adequate). For the 575, I'd say 130/135hp would be ideal, but 150hp is also quite suitable.
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Date Joined: 09/07/09
400 HOURS good going.i'd go
good going.
i'd go max size motor the hull is rated too. sometimes more fuel efficient than running a smaller motor that struggles.
If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am.
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i run faster
than the nearest pinger
So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?
Posts: 693
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I know you guys mention it in relation to someone finding your spots...but what is pinging?
I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.
Andy Mac
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Is blatantly cruising up to someone fishing with the sole purpose of marking your GPS so you can fish the spot the pinged boat is currently fishing.
The pinger is the person who is being unethical and the pingee is the guy who's spot has just been pinged.
The reference to "ping" I assume is the sound the old submarine echo radars used to make... ""
Hope that helps. Lets hope you never have to deal with a pinger. Like allrounder says I too would like to be able to outrun them but more often than not I can get up and away before they get too close and if worst comes to worst I have to settle for outfoxing them (ie put them on sand for the next drift).
Max speed for me is around 32knots but generally travel between 15 and 24knots. I have a 115 Mariner 2 stroke, that has been very reliable, has lots of get up and go but its loud and thirsty.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Rod P
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Pinging to Tony is people who
Pinging to Tony is people who sneek up on him and snap his bra strap..It hurts the little baby's skin..
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So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?
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matejust a couple of
just a couple of things...
the kelmscott guy is a total pocket boxer and i know from experiance, i would not even buy nuts and bolts from him!!!
definatly would never trust him to fit a motor to my boat.
dont do it!!
i have got a new 200etec and think its great, they also have less moving parts than other engines.
we did alot of research before buying and yes they have had problems,
but we found more problems with other engines to be more common.
especially the mercs.
we brought our engine as a demo(20hrs)from a dealer in QLD and found out it had acttualy had done 490+hrs...
contacted brp about this and the end result was they replaced our engine with a brand new one at no cost to us at all, including the shipping and the removal/refitting.
how is that for warranty. it not always about the engine itself!
saying that....and weight is not an issuse(it was for us) i would buy the yammy 4stroke.. we had the 200yammy 2stroke before the etec which blew up on 370hrs(dropped a big end bearing) but until the was a good engine.
i would also go the biggest engine your boat is aloud to have, ours could of had a 225hp and that little bit extra would be nice for those glassy days when you can go full noise.
cheers ron
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Date Joined: 29/10/07
Thanks for the comments again.
As with most things it is going to come down to cost. I would love to pick up a 150 Yamaha 4 stroke but it is about $3,000 more than I have to spend at the moment...
On that matter, if anyone knows of someone looking to sell a late model (2007 or newer) 130 to 150 four stroke or DFI 2 stroke please pass on their details to me or ask them to call me. If it comes up trumps there is 1/2 dozen cartons of beer in it for you.
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I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.
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i heard
theres to etecs lost in carnarvon somewhere
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
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A 130 or 150 hp should be just fine. the boat manufacturer should have a Min and MAX hp rating, so anywhere in the middle to max is great.
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Motor/ s?
Have a chat to Troy at "The Boat Business" in Henderson.
I have found them to be very good to deal with over the last two / three years.
Tell him what you want out of the boat / motor and he'll certainly should be able to give you some info.
Whether you use it or not, it's good to know I've got the power there and the boat is not screaming it's guts out at 25 knts flat out.
"Life wasn't meant to be a spectator sport"
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ive got a 445 bemuda tinny
ive got a 445 bemuda tinny with a 2010 bf60 honda will do 29knts on a semi glass day hoping for more when a glassier day comes
but i mainly sit on 14 to 18knts
and down to 10 when rough
i tend to drive for comfort
ive heard lots of people say they can go 50knots but i thinks its mostly bs and would be dangerous if they did
getting the bottom line final answer from a bunch of blokes that use false names and put smiley faces at the end of paragraphs is not the best place in the world to get the information you seek.
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Haines 17r for me with 150
Haines 17r for me with 150 etec. Best Ive seen with a light boat is 46 knots but will do 40 loaded up to go fishing.
Cruise is around 25-28 knots.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
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Go a Suzuki 4 stroke. Suzuki have won the title for “The world’s best four stroke”. Winning multiple awards for “Cutting edge design”, “Mechanical grunt”, and “Futuristic performance”, just ask the “water police”, “sea search & rescue” or “boat training centres”.
Boasting the record for Australia’s fastest growing Fourstroke. “SUZUKI”…”Think ahead”.
"There's no business like boat business"
Rod P
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To be fair the Water police
To be fair the Water police wanted mechanical shift only (would not have fly by wire shift as they had too many problems with the Mercs) and the Suzuki is the only big engine that has mechanical shift still..Or they would be running Yamaha's.
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Ive got a 70hp suzuki on my 480 coast runner, great motor and has never missed a beat but is pretty expensive to service. Depending what the conditions are like obviously determins my speed, but i usualy only get around doing 10 to 15 knots because its usualy pretty bumpy whenever i head out and i like to be comfy and not bang around like crazy, but a bonus is at that speed i get great economy out of it, and its also a good speed to tow a few small skirts behind me ;) On a dead flat day i can get upto about 28 knots.
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In metro water, not very
In metro water, not very fast, there are flat days, but they are few and far between and usually in winter.
For me the main criteria when choosing an outboard is not speed, but power to get you out of a tricky situation in big water. Some boats with a fantastic top speed in calm water might struggle in lumpy water and wind.
I find that most of my cruising is between 19 - 28 knots, any faster and the donk gets thirsty and the ride sometimes suffers.
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Date Joined: 30/11/09
Yep have to agree, I'm
Yep have to agree, I'm running a Suzi 4 stroke 90 hp on the 5.4m coastrunner. Beautiful motor very smooth and economical. As for speeds the avergae 2-2.5m swell witha bit of chop average 15 knots. As someone said you could go faster if you want to split the seams and a crushed vertabrae lol.
Love the West!
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ive got a 19 foot penguin half cab
with a 230 hp v6 mercruiser in it top speed 47 knots the beauty of getting that bigger motor is your only running it on quarter throttle thus giving you very good fuel economy whilst cruising but you have that power ans speed for thos days its flat and you wanna get somewhere quick!
the old boy has a 25 foot bertam with a 454 mercruiser in it! that sits on 42 knots
Posts: 1443
Date Joined: 05/01/10
We normally travel out
We normally travel out around 24 knots thereabouts, good for general economy and a good average speed, but we occasionally blow the cobwebs out on the way back in if the conditions allow and we get around 40 knots. At 24 knots we are burning around 24-28 litres p/h and at full noise, maybe 65litres p/h.
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Etec 130hp
Just for some info for ya Brads, I chauffer my girlfriend around a bit in her boat its running a 130hp Etec pushing 1400kg of ali, tops out at 32knots fuel economy is great once its on the plane runs at around 1.2 liters per NM through almost the full range of revs. Initially it chewed thru the oil for the first 20 hours or so as the motor was running itself in but has settled down now and oil top ups happen rarely now.
With regard to speed I'm always comfortable running my boats at around 10-16knts inshore even on the flattest days we just cruise around between dives taking in the sites and enjoying being on the water running down shags. another question tho if your going offshore then its as fast as the sea allows if you've gotta knock out 10-14 NM of flat boring ocean. also though a higher horse power motor will put you at the desired speed for alot less effort which will save you on fuel in the end so I guess bigger motor isn't always about top end speed.
Dave J.
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I have owned quite a few boats. Some could crack 40knots on a good day, but most of the time I travel around 24knots.
The reason I was asking the question about speed is that I want to make sure that I get a motor that will not reduce the resale value in 5 years time because it is seen to be underpowered.
Now I just have to do a great deal on the motor...whatever that ends up being.
I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.
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Go the Suzi. I'm waiting for my Yamaha to die and then I'll fit one on mine. A mate has a 115 on his and it's cheap to run and wisper quiet.
Posts: 606
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I have a friend with a 140hp
I have a friend with a 140hp Suzuki on a Commodore 670, grossly underpowered and to be honest a little dangerous if you get caught out in a following sea. He will have problems selling it when the time comes.
I have a 6m glass boat with 200hp Yamaha 2 stroke. I love that I can do 45 knots plus on a flat day, but it is far more useful in biggish seas to power you out of trouble when it really matters. I also believe that lower revs at 25-33 knots is better for the longevity of the motor. I tend to cruise either 23-25 or 30-33 knots. The hull is not happy in the 25-30 knot range.
To summarise, do not underpower, you won't be happy.
Posts: 693
Date Joined: 29/10/07
Went with the etec 130
Just an update. I ended up getting the 130 Etec at the end of January. Bloody good deal...but with the new baby and other committments have not even put her in the water yet. Just my Mackie run in years and I am stuck on land. Oh well.
I will post some speed and consumption figures when I get a chance to christen the new rig.
I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.
joe amato
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140 suzuki
im currently breaking in my suzuki 140 that i have put on my fraser 590 all rounder,on the test run in pinjarra she hit close to 40 knots,but that was flat in the estuary,but when i took her out to rotto i was crusin between 20 to 30 in a little bit of chop and swell,but i had to very my revs while breaking her in
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
I have a 200hp Honda and
I have a 200hp Honda and would recomend them to anyone.I go as quick as weather permits,I normaly will be 20-40knot most the time with around 30 being the normal. 4200 rpm the moter is at its best .I wish I had gone the 300hp and I would still want more
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
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With you there Paul
I've also got a 200 Honda but from what I've played with is the best rev range and fuel economy seems to be around 3500 revs. Why do you think the differences? Boat and hull?Stabi a bit lighter and sit higher than the commodores I assume.
Posts: 266
Date Joined: 06/10/10
Why is it?
Why is it we pay so much more for out boards in Australia than in the states? They are mostly made in Japan and shipped from there..So why? is it a tax thing or the dealer margins are a lot higher here..The price difference is quiet staggering.
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Here we go again.....
Here we go again.....
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from a fellow cruise craft
from a fellow cruise craft owner (625 Oustider) i have 200hp on the back which is it's max (not getting into the 2-4 stroke debate). Top speed is 42knots according to the last owner, i've got 39knots so far but i haven't had that day to really test it out. I'm interested to see how the 130hp goes, personally i would have gone 150hp, since you have the etec you'll be looking to keep it below 4500rpm to be economical, my old etec (115hp High Output) loves sitting on 4000rpm and this is where i got my economy and good speed.
The speed is all relevent, all hulls are different but I'd say you'd want to be cruising at 20-25knots at around 4000rpm, you'll then have plenty of grunt to get over the following seas etc. My cruisecraft struggles to hold the plane at speeds lower than 15knots but thats fine i don't travel that slow if i can help it, 4200rpm sees me travelling along at 28knots using 34 litres per hours, thats just what i want if you ask me, this gives me a range of around 200NM.
Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target
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My 575 cruise craft has a
My 575 cruise craft has a 115hp yammi 4 s max speed is 32 knots.
We cruise at 22 knots at 4500rpm.
The rule of thumb is if you boat cruises at 20 knots you the power is fine.
Posts: 1721
Date Joined: 29/05/09
looks like the 130hp etec
looks like the 130hp etec will be just fine then. fingers crossed you are one with no warranty issues.
Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target
Posts: 2773
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Why the heck
would you want to do 40knts coming home from fishing, sit on a nice 20knots, not burning too much fuel. 40knots your just using far to much fuel and to me (non mechanic) slowing killing the out board.
Ginger Tablets Rock
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Because you can Roberta
So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?
big john
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Nothing better after a good day, than blasting home flat strap on glassy sea. Yee hah!
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
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Posts: 1853
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Faster out faster back =more time fishing
So tell me have you got your info from years on the water or hours on the internet?
Posts: 606
Date Joined: 30/06/09
For some reason my boat is
For some reason my boat is cheaper to run above 35 knots than it is below 30 knots. The faster I go the better my economy is, it seems.
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
Yes allrounder
it is nice sometimes to blow the cob webs out, old fart has pushed the pedal to the metal, and its lovely, but you can't do it all the time, especially with a following sea which we all have said, he's got the power to get out of trouble especially coming home in Leeman on a low tide either coming through the north or south channel they certaily can sit up, love tht surfing feeling haha, we'd also like to put a new merc on the boat, but we don't fish as much anymore, so can't justify the expense. He doesn't go fast in rough sea as both our backs can't take it anymore, bugger growing old hahahah
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 328
Date Joined: 15/09/09
Big is best
I have always believed big is best, reasons: 1. the motor dooesnt have to work hard so its life will be longer, 2. The days you need to get home quick you can, 3. price drifference once you get into the larger motors isnt that great between sizes 4. Moving at slower revs with a larger motor often means less fuel used.
But I maybe mad, have a 225hp merc behind a baron sportsman on a custom transom, works for me
Baron Sportsman Custom