caught this off the rocks a bit past albany (wa) and have no bloody clue what it is! looked thru my species guide but no luck

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Posts: 423

Date Joined: 30/09/05

Looks to me like Acanthistius

Sat, 2012-10-06 21:39

Looks to me like Acanthistius serratus (Western Wirrah).

Posts: 2321

Date Joined: 03/05/06

yep - western wirrah.

Sat, 2012-10-06 22:43

Western Wirrah are deep bodied fish varying in colour from pale yellow to olive green/brown with darker brown broad bars or blotches.  There are irregular dark spots scattered all over the body including the head, although sometimes these can be indistinct.  There may be a blue/green tinge to the fins.  There are two distinctive broad black bars behind the eye. 

Western Wirrah grow to 2.77kgs and 50cms in length. 

They are considered very poor eating (also known as Rottnest Boot).

Western Wirrah are found from Kalbarri Western Australia, south around to Ceduna South Australia on exposed coral reefs.