First trip to Coral bay/Exmouth - ADVISE WANTED PLEASE
Few mates and myself are in the midst of packing up for a 3week 4x4/fishing/camping trip around the CoralBay-Exmouth area. Thing is none of us have ever been up there, and aside from what we've read online, don't know too much about the area or what to expect when we get there. What I'm chasing is any info or handy bits of knowledge that'll help make our trip a success, or at least keep us out of the shit while we're up there.
Basic rundown of what we're planning goes something like this:
First 4nights at CoralBay, onto Winderabandi Point for the next few, then make our way up to Exmouth for 5 or so nights. Figure once we've reached Exmouth we'll decide on where to explore next. Will be around 7-10adults in our group + 5or6 4x4s and a smallish boat.
*Plans are subject to change pending weather*
Also if I could get any advise on fishing gear and spots to use it, that'll be a big help.
These are the rods/reels I'll be taking:
Abu Garcia Maxx baitcaster 6"4' 3-5kg/Abu Garcia BMAX3
Abu Garcia Veritas 6"6' 5-9kg/Abu Garcia OrraS60
Abu Garcia Veritas 10" 10-15kg/Quantum Cabo50
(reels freshly spooled with 10, 20 & 30lb braid respectively)
Lastly: Dry Ice - Whos used it, and how'd it go? Is it worth getting some for the food Esky or just run block ice?
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
If you only have a small
If you only have a small tinny anywhere outside of the sanctury should produce inside the reef for you. Check where the boundaries are before you go . Info will be online. Exxy land based anywhere along the western side can produce good fish but be prepared to loose a bit of gear as plenty of rocks. Also around the marina can produce some nice fish. In the tinny again inside the reef can produce good fish out from tantas.
Other than that cant help much. Only realy boat fished up there a couple of times
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
DrinkPiss CatchFish
Posts: 13
Date Joined: 25/08/18
Cheers cobb, appreciate the
Cheers cobb, appreciate the info. Yeah will be taking plenty of spare line & tackle for the snags. At a rough guess I'd say the fishing will be about a 50/50 split between land and boat (oldmates runabout comfortably fits 4, anymore is a pain in the arse) and if theres's no joy off the beach, we can always just sink a few tins ;)
Thanks again mate. Hopefully we get onto a few
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Date Joined: 06/02/10
My advice would be to take me
My advice would be to take me with you. lol. Im so jealous. 4 days in Coral Bay isn't long enough. I was there for 3 weeks a couple of months ago and it wasn't long enough.
If it were me id stick to real ice but i haven't really used dry ice. Always bring back ocean water to clean the fish once you fillet them and i had more luck with a double dropper loop rig and those B2 squid glow plastics than lures but one of the boys pinched one of my lures and cleaned up with it. im trying to get my hands on another one but need to go back up to the tackle store i found it at. :(
Live it up for me. :(
DrinkPiss CatchFish
Posts: 13
Date Joined: 25/08/18
Hahaha! Thanks
Hahaha! Thanks Helen....theres spare seats if ya that keen
Would spend 3months up there if we didn have to go back to work. I'd rather be spending more time in fewer places, but seeing as it's the first time up that way for us we wanted to suss out a decent amount of the area.
Roughly where about we're you fishing with that setup? Not chasing ya secret spots, just trying get an idea where the fish hide up there.
Posts: 597
Date Joined: 06/02/10
Don't tempt me. Mostly
Don't tempt me. Mostly fishing over 120-160m. If you want to message me on Facebook or send me a text i can send you some photos of the rigs and stuff i used... and maybe share some secrets haha. You on Facebook? Helen Novatscou.