Coalition’s Real Action Plan for Fisheries

Coalition’s Real Action Plan for Fisheries The Coalition has today unveiled its real action plan to support Australia's commercial and recreational fishing sectors. The real action plan recognises the important role fishing plays to hundreds of coastal and river communities in bringing enjoyment to millions of Australians and to the national economy. A Coalition Government will give greater representation to the fishing sector, increased investment in promoting our sustainable seafood industry, provide more funding for fisheries research and commit to resourcing the fight against illegal foreign fishing. And we will bring the balance back to Labor's flawed marine park planning process. We will suspend the process, allow for it to be restructured and increase consultation with the fishing sector. Labor has forgotten Australia's recreational and commercial fishing sectors. Labor has taken for granted the massive social, economic and environmental benefits that fishing has to our nation. The commercial fishing sector has a value of more than $2.1 billion, making it the sixth largest primary producing sector. In addition, it is estimated that 3.5 million Australians participate in recreational fishing, contributing well over $3 billion a year to the economy." The Coalition will: 1. Appoint a Minister with direct responsibility for Fisheries The Coalition will re-establish separate ministerial responsibilities for fisheries, giving greater focus and representation for Australia’s commercial and recreational fishing sectors. 2. Assist the fisheries industry to adapt to climate change The Coalition will provide $5 million to assess the potential impact of changing ocean environments on the sustainability of fisheries and help individual businesses respond to this challenge. 3. Increase research and development for the fishing sector The Coalition will increase matching contribution of $1 for every $1 raised by industry to $1.25. It will also fund grants of up to $50,000 for specialised research, mentoring or further study for scientists concerned with the fisheries sector. 4. Establish an Aquaculture Industry Development Fund This $10 million fund will invest in industry or sector-wide projects that support the sustainable growth of aquaculture in Australia. 5. Promote a sustainable Australian seafood industry The Coalition will provide $3 million to industry bodies to promote sustainable Australian seafood. 6. Consider the Hawke Review of the EPBC Act with specific focus on fisheries and sea issues The Coalition will review the EPBC Act ensuring its suitability for marine issues. 7. Assist commercial and recreational organisations play a role in developing national maritime safety standards The Coalition will provide up to $100,000 to assist relevant commercial and recreational organisations meet the costs of active participation in these deliberations. 8. Promote the environmental, health and social benefits of recreational fishing The Coalition will provide $1.2 million for grants of up to $20,000 to recreational fishing clubs and organisations to promote the benefits of recreational fishing. 9. Conduct recreational fishing surveys every five years The Coalition will collect data on the social and economic impact of recreational fishing as well as obtain catch data to help assess stock levels. 10. Form a Recreational Fishing Ministerial Advisory Council The Coalition will form an Advisory Council comprising the Minister for Fisheries and the Minister for the Environment along with representatives of the recreational fishing sector. 11. Support a national peak body for recreational fishing and its participation in national consultations on the establishment of marine parks The Coalition will provide $500,000 to a national peak body for recreational fishing and investigate longer term funding options. 12. Immediately put on hold the Marine Bioregional Planning process to allow for its restructure The Coalition will immediately restructure the process to address concerns over Labor’s mismanagement of declaring Marine Protected Areas. 13. Provide a fair and balanced Displaced Effort Policy The Coalition will place responsibility for the displacement policy with a Ministerial panel jointly chaired by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the Minister for Environment Protection, Heritage and Arts. 14. Base Marine Protected Areas on science The Coalition will require peer reviewed scientific evidence of threats to marine biodiversity be made available to all stakeholders, including affected communities and industries, before any decision is made on future Marine Protected Areas (particularly any no-take zone). 15. Establish sensible and balanced Marine Park boundaries and develop management plans in consultation with industry The Coalition will consult closely with those people and industries that use the marine environment, including the recreational and commercial fishing sectors, to determine Marine Protected Area management plans in accordance with relevant legislation and other regulatory frameworks. 16. Commit to fighting illegal foreign fishing The Coalition is committed to maintaining all resources currently devoted to patrolling Australia’s fishing zones .................. From a very good source that has posted it on another site, but good news and a bit of logic finaly coming through.


Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

lurcha's picture

Posts: 455

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but what will the greens

Wed, 2010-08-18 14:02

but what will the greens think??

Tony Halliday's picture

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Coalition angles for fishing vote

Wed, 2010-08-18 15:28

Coalition angles for fishing vote

thats the headlines in The Wests one section....
Have our votes finaly been seen as worth some attetnion, YES it seems...

Question now is:
Do you as voters value your fishing and will you folow your heart and head ( and rods...), or be swayed by fear tactics and union bullies????


Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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Who's fear tactics? Wasnt it

Wed, 2010-08-18 15:42

Who's fear tactics? Wasnt it the liberals that said greens wanted to block access to 30% of ALL our coast, when it was 30% of a subset? Also, labor has said they wont agree to it if its not based on science (the specific papers may be up for debate...).

Just because the liberals say they are for fishing does not mean that you can trust every word they say Wink Doesnt mean they arent better than labor on that one issue either though. If they're who you want to vote for, then vote for them, but dont fall for their scare tactics either Wink



Also, who was it that implemented the great barrier reef marine park zones? Wink

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1) John Howard started the

Wed, 2010-08-18 15:47

1) John Howard started the marine parks creation process, not the current govt.


2) Check this letter, you can read it in whole on another site.

From: Ford, Jon []
Sent: Tuesday, 17 August 2010 9:06 PM
To: Mick and Eve
Cc: Ripper, Eric
Subject: RE: Progessive Shutdown of Recreational Fishing Access WA

Hi Mick,

<snip> Labor has always supported the recreational fishing sector in WA, while in Government (Gallop & Carpenter) we refused to bring in general fishing licenses and more recently opposed the FBL brought in by the Barnett Government because we see no benefit from this to the sector. As minister I brought back over 1100 commercial wetline licenses and took all commercial fishing out of the west coast zone<snip>

<snip>Tony Abbott’s proposal of handing more grounds to the commercial sector and increasing their quota would be disastrous for our fragile marine environment and especially the recreational sector.<snip>

<snip>The Lib/Nat parties will increase the dwindling fish stocks quota to the commercial sector<snip>

Kindest regards

Jon Ford

Yeah lets vote for a party that wants to give community resources to business as usual, NOT!


carnarvonite's picture

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Deja Vu

Wed, 2010-08-18 15:35

Seem to remember a state government proposing something along those lines two years back and have a look at what we have got now!!!

Feral's picture

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im with you carnarvonite ..

Wed, 2010-08-18 16:03

im with you carnarvonite .. the coalition seems to be screwing us here in w.a. with regard to the professional fishing catch amounts .. yes they have done some good too .. but is it enough to get my vote back ?? i have been a liberal supporter for years but this time around they really have p!ssed me off down south  

Adam Gallash's picture

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dept not govt

Wed, 2010-08-18 16:38

Its not the liberal govt pushing the changes, its the dept of fisheries and the science that have been saying things aint looking so good.  As you saw with liberal and labour (Jon Ford) they have all implemented changes to the detriment of fishermen, its just what they have to do based upon the information fisheries have gathered to try and protect a 'declining' fishery.  Whether that science is accurate is a whole different ball game.

As Matt has said, you can't trust either side as its all political propoganda, but I reckon the side that is pro fishing has to be better than the one that is anti!!


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lurcha's picture

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either way from what i

Wed, 2010-08-18 17:17

either way from what i gather the greens are going to have a fair say in what happens!

Markie's picture

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Wed, 2010-08-18 18:29


Posts: 9358

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Is that Liberal or liberal?

Wed, 2010-08-18 18:35

Is that Liberal or liberal? Both VERY different propositions.


UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

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REAL Action Plan???

Wed, 2010-08-18 18:42

That's all I have seen so far.... REAL action plans... Nothing that REALLY excites me at all. It's only been 3 years since the REAL action plans were voted out. Let's not get fooled.


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

joe amato's picture

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well guess what

Wed, 2010-08-18 19:27

well guess what, wasnt it norman moore a liberal politician who is currently screwing this state with the recreational fishing boat licence.  john howard brought in the gst and it was the labor party led by kevin rudd with the stimulus package that saved this country from the current recession and colin barnett is a very arrogant liberal politician, who stated he could live very well on a pension a few weeks ago, also all the current rates, power, water has gone through the roof because of the liberal party, labor has done better for this country atm by stopping us going deeper into recession and yes i think mining companies should pay more taxes on their profits like every other buisiness.  Labor all the way 4 me, hate the liberal coalition dictatorship, so believe what you want

Adam Gallash's picture

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Disagree entirely

Wed, 2010-08-18 19:51

John led this country to 11 years of success, the GST was what helped fund Australia's infrastructure development and kept our budget in surplus (and brought us inline with the rest of the world that has GST)  This is what labor wants to do with the mining tax, but its consequences in my opinion are way greater to the businesses that help prop up our economy - not just the owners of the companies, but the employees and the shareholders and the small Aust companies that contract to them.


As for Kevin saving this country with a stimulus package, he effectively did what every other country suffering from the global economic crisis did, check Obama's amount of $787 billion.  The only reason this country made it through so well is due to excellent fiscal management from the previous era of govt.


As for increased prices of water, the previous state labor government gave the go ahead for the desalination plants which have huge costs to recover fresh water from salt.  Other increases are probably more related to inflation.


As for dictatorship, you have two parties combining with policies that don't necessarily support each other, just so they can get in power - now that's scary!


And for your reference: Labor minister for fisheries: (When in power)

“It is now time for the recreational fishing community to play its part to save our fish so that we can have fish for current generations as well as fish for the future,” Mr Ford said.

Details of the package for recreational fishing in the West Coast Bioregion:


The daily bag limit for Category 1 fish to be reduced from seven to four fish.
The daily bag limit for pink snapper to be reduced from four to two fish.
The size limit for pink snapper to be increased from 41cm to 45cm in October, 2008 and then from 45cm to 50cm in 2010 for the metropolitan and South-West zones only (Lancelin to Augusta).
A boat limit of two daily bag limits of Category 1 fish to be introduced. Where five or more fishers are on board a recreational or charter boat, an additional two Category 1 fish per person (over and above the boat limit) will be allowed for the fifth and additional fishers.


A seasonal restriction that prohibits the take, landing and possession of the Vulnerable 5 species: dhufish, pink snapper, baldchin groper, breaksea cod and red snapper. The season will run from October 15 to December 25 in 2008, October 15 to January 31 in 2009-2010 and October 1 to January 31 for subsequent years.


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UncutTriggerInWA's picture

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Results count

Wed, 2010-08-18 20:13

That's a pretty full on set of statements there Adam. I can see where you are coming from and I understand that with all the wealth that is being enjoyed in the areas up there.

What a load of crap really when you talk about the way the recession was handled! If Bush and Howard were at the helm then God help us all. They were there fighting wars when the American economy imploded! We had a Gov't who had the balls to make big decisions and it paid off.  If the state gov't had balls it would draw more resources from the mining sector to support infrastructure improvements here and stop the pathetic increases in taxes and charges for the poor buggers who can't get in on the resources boom.


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

Adam Gallash's picture

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bush and howard

Wed, 2010-08-18 20:57

Just because the countries are allies, doesn't mean their policies were the same, neither how they ran them.  The American economy didn't implode due to the wars either, it didn't help, but that's not the reason why.  The US banking system over valued assets and resulted in the collapse of large financial institutions which required banks to be propped up by national governments and caused downturns in stock markets around the world.  Not to mention housing etc etc, a whole different discussion.

What do you mean had the balls to make the decision, all major economies did the same thing.  The 2008-2009 Chinese economic stimulus plan was a RMB¥ 4 trillion (US$ 586 billion) stimulus package announced by the central government of the People's Republic of China on 9 November 2008 in its biggest move to stop the global financial crisis from hitting the world's third largest economy.

As for the mining tax, those guys that are earning the big dollars put in their 12 hour days in bloody hot conditions most of the year round.  If its so good, why aren't you doing it?  I've said my reasons above for why it shouldn't happen and if it does happen I want the money to be spent on the areas that it comes from.  We have to wait 3 weeks here to see a doctor unless its an emergency.  Anyway, I'm out, I'll just agree to disagree with you on it, I guess thats why all opinion polls are saying its 50/50 at the moment.


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kevin rudd saved this country ha ha ha

Wed, 2010-08-18 20:22

How funny is that statment. He save it that well his own party's management team [trade unions] f*cked him off to the back bench to sulk. All kev done was borrow a shit load of money of the arabs and gave every one a hand out. Typical labour, any one for a handout ? we got shit loads of tax papers money so come and grab some. Wankers

carnarvonite's picture

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Wed, 2010-08-18 20:34

Why didn't all these people who complained about the handouts give them back?

 When one has heard of all the things people have bought with it but have not heard of a single person who has given it back. Very strange that.

All Barnett thinks about are his rich crony mates who are going to give him an exceptionally comfortable life after he leaves politics at the expense of all the everyday working people of this state.

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kevin dud save the bottle

Wed, 2010-08-18 20:34

kevin dud save the bottle shops and the drug dealer with all his wastful spending there trying to ruin this country labor wankers....

hlokk's picture

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Liberals are wankers too.

Wed, 2010-08-18 21:02

Liberals are wankers too. Just different types of wankers. You're deluding yourself if you think one party is all rainbows and buttercups while the others are the only incompetent evil ones.

Adam Gallash's picture

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Wed, 2010-08-18 21:10

Sure your not on about the sex party again Matt, they may fit that description.


I think we've been far enough on this one, politics and a fishing site aren't a good mix.  Lets just get this bloody election out of the way so we don't have to hear, real action plan and tony rabbot can't be trusted for another few years.




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lurcha's picture

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libs get in interest rates

Wed, 2010-08-18 20:49

libs get in interest rates go up and the average worker gets screwed over (thats what cost them the last election, work place agreements) they just want to line the rich peoples pockets. Labour get in spend the money to fix our hospitals, schooling etc get better conditions for the workers. its just a cycle, its always going to go back and fourth. As for the mining tax to my knowledge we are one of few countries that dont heavily tax the mining companies and its all relavant to their profit margins. why should these mining companies make massive profits off of Australias resources without paying a fair tax? they will still keep mining regardless of the taxes because the profits will still be there.

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goin back a few post to the

Wed, 2010-08-18 21:09

goin back a few post to the two adam posted spot on mate couldnt have said it any better myself.


living is fishing