Big thanks!
Took the tinny out for a burn to Garden Island today to get rid of some fuel I had mixed for our trip of the south west.
Got across OK but once in Herring bay, it started to play up and was stalling more than it normally does at low revs. We had just done 20 knots for 20 minutes but checked the fuel tank breather and it was ok, fuel connections and the one on the tank was loose. Filter suggested fuel was OK. Fuel was also 50\1 and brand new.
I was able to putt at around 1.5-2 knots so picked up a mooring, sorted out the fuel hose and gave the motor some noise and it stalled again. Checked everything again and again and stall stall stall with the bulb going soft.
Drift putted to the beach to troubleshoot some more and went about looking for a fuel hose to borrow to see if it was the issue. One bloke kindly offered me his but with different fittings, I didnt want to stuff around with his but we had a chat and agreed the fuel hose was the issue.
walked along the beach asking if anyone had a spare hose I could buy and second boat along, a bloke offered me his tank and fuel hose for a tender he didn't have any more...brand new and for free! Graciously accepted the hose and after replacing a fitting, got it all connected up and made it back to the ramp under our own steam.
I am sorry I didn't get your name but Thankyou, you legend! May the karma gods smile on you!
I took this pic to get your number to text you thanks but the photo unfortunately wasn't as good as I had hoped.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
Great news that you got it
Great news that you got it sorted. There is some generous people out there. Tank and line might not be much to them but to you it means getting going again and that's a lot .
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 9512
Date Joined: 10/02/07
Bet that made your
Day, nice gesture
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 3916
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Yep, spot on. We had a mate
Yep, spot on. We had a mate on standby for a tow but always great to get in under our own power.