Whats this

Whats this

I know what it is, do you? :)


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luke george's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 13/04/07

wow i got no idea... You got

Sat, 2007-07-07 18:51

wow i got no idea... You got him trawling? where abouts were you fishing

Work is just for people who havn't discovered fishing

mullowaybeauty's picture

Posts: 26

Date Joined: 28/06/07

no idea....rock fish?????lol

Sat, 2007-07-07 18:55

no idea....rock fish?????lol

Dean's picture

Posts: 1943

Date Joined: 23/02/07

a type of jawfish - maybe a

Sat, 2007-07-07 18:56

a type of jawfish - maybe a dusky?

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Heating up

Sat, 2007-07-07 19:01

Heating up there Dean, got this somewhere in Exmouth today. Not common for this species to be found this far south.


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luke george's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 13/04/07

yeh does look like a jawfish

Sat, 2007-07-07 19:03

yeh does look like a jawfish is it a banded jawfish?
or maybe a fine spot

Work is just for people who havn't discovered fishing

sgroomy's picture

Posts: 16

Date Joined: 24/06/07

Ugly Critter

Sat, 2007-07-07 19:04

I believe its a stargazer.....

I have hauled in a couple of these ...they are supposed to be good to eat..

mine have been thrown back...they dont look edible to me

NOHA's picture

Posts: 914

Date Joined: 24/06/07

I've always called them for

Sat, 2007-07-07 19:58

I've always called them for a stargazer. Ugly looking things they are. Caught them quite often up off Dampier to 600mm.

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luke george's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 13/04/07

so is it a stargazer? Work

Sat, 2007-07-07 20:03

so is it a stargazer?

Work is just for people who havn't discovered fishing

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Sat, 2007-07-07 20:07

This one is a blotched jawfish. Stargazer is a little different.


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luke george's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 13/04/07

hehe i should of just kept

Sat, 2007-07-07 20:12

hehe i should of just kept guessing with diferent types of jawfish lol i would have got it eventually

Work is just for people who havn't discovered fishing

Posts: 198

Date Joined: 29/11/06


Sat, 2007-07-07 20:54

was going to say something nasty but had second thoughts about it..............ah bugger it! It looks like the mother in law.....lol

craiga74's picture

Posts: 47

Date Joined: 06/05/07

caught heaps of these

Fri, 2007-07-13 16:13

We've caught bucket loads of these ugly critters up in Port Hedland. Don't let the looks turn you off cos they are great on the tooth. Thanks for identifying it Adam, I've never known what they were.... my mate always jsut called em Slimy Cods