What is it????

What is it????

With lack of access to a good fish ID book I thought I'd throw it out to you guys....
It was one of two caught in NW WA and was about 70cm long. Both were released so no more photos.
The first correct or closest post will win a prize which I haven't thought of yet.

jus's picture

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some sort of mutant

Fri, 2010-08-20 11:22

some sort of mutant trevally? just a guess :P

Berin's picture

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Tille Trevally ?

Fri, 2010-08-20 11:25

Caranx Tille ?

scottnofish's picture

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thought of that one

Fri, 2010-08-20 13:04

but it dont have the black spot on th gill plate

breno1985's picture

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bug skippy. lol

Fri, 2010-08-20 11:37

bug skippy. lolTongue out

breno1985's picture

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sorry BIG skippy

Fri, 2010-08-20 11:38

sorry BIG skippy

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i think its a

Fri, 2010-08-20 12:32

Silver trevally (skippy)


the length of the side  fin gives it away

SamC's picture

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Not a barcheek trevally is

Fri, 2010-08-20 12:44

Not a barcheek trevally is it?




scottnofish's picture

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maybe a big eye

Fri, 2010-08-20 12:59

caranx sexfasciatus

Auslobster's picture

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Not a skippy!

Fri, 2010-08-20 13:27

They also have a black spot on the gill plate! I reckon it's an anorexic Bluefin trevally that's been out in the sun too long!

Lucky Tim's picture

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It seems too long to be a

Fri, 2010-08-20 13:38

It seems too long to be a trevally member, I'm leaning towards something from the Seriola family.
I'm still digging.

Auslobster's picture

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Pectoral fin...

Fri, 2010-08-20 13:40

...don't know if any of the seriolas have such a long one. Maybe it appears longish because it's fairly thin?

jus's picture

Posts: 164

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final guess is its a

Fri, 2010-08-20 14:13

final guess is its a queenfish tailor trevally...it isnt an official fish.....yet! :P

hlokk's picture

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I dont think it looks like a

Fri, 2010-08-20 14:22

I dont think it looks like a seriola. Besides, there arent a huge number of seriola species in WA.

Definitely looks like a trevally of some sort. There is one that looks a lot like an amberjack in shape (like yours) but i forgot the name. Keep in mind theres the Caranx and Carangoides for trevallys.


I have the NW fish guide at home so can give it a look later and let you know Tim?

Lucky Tim's picture

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how about this happy little

Fri, 2010-08-20 15:10

how about this happy little camper?
Carangoides fulvoguttatus or Yellowspotted trevally
It's the closest I've got, even though the rear dorsal fin is not as "curved".

breno1985's picture

Posts: 144

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that looks pritty close tim,

Fri, 2010-08-20 15:35

that looks pritty close tim, think you might have it there

Auslobster's picture

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Fri, 2010-08-20 15:37

Go the fulvoguttatus!

brg's picture

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looks like a queeny cross

Fri, 2010-08-20 18:55

looks like a queeny cross trev

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Barcheek Trevally

Fri, 2010-08-20 19:43

Barcheek Trevally

hlokk's picture

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According to "Marine Fishes

Fri, 2010-08-20 20:08

According to "Marine Fishes of North-Western Australia" bludger trevally looks closest to me. Carangoides gymnostethus


Does look a lot like a goldspot, but the book says they look similar to the goldspot but the goldspots eye is further away from the mouth. Comparing the fishwreckapedia of the goldspot you can see that the eye is a little further away from the mouth than the fish in the OP.

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Fri, 2010-08-20 20:23
Lucky Tim's picture

Posts: 2536

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I think Dicey might have it,

Fri, 2010-08-20 21:16

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Bar cheek trevally

Fri, 2010-08-20 21:19

barcheek trevally, Carangoides plagiotaenia is a species of moderately large marine fish of the jack family Carangidae. The barcheek trevally is distributed throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-west Pacific region, ranging from South Africa in the west to Japan, Australia and a number of small central Pacific islands in the east. The species inhabits inshore and offshore waters, found along the slopes of lagoons and out to deeper reefs on the continental shelf, where it preys on small fish and benthic crustaceans.


It is a moderately large fish, growing to a maximum recorded length of 50 cm, and can be distinguished from similar species by its somewhat protruding lower jaw and the dark banding on its operculum.

Lucky Tim's picture

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the description of the

Fri, 2010-08-20 21:39

the description of the barcheek trev fits in, especially the head area. Max size could be an issue, maybe I released the all tackle world record???!?!?!?!? The other one we caught was a bit smaller than this one.
Maybe we'll never know what it is and my prize will go unclaimed.

Faulkner Family's picture

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i call it as a good

Fri, 2010-08-20 21:42

i call it as a good photoshop effort Laughing. looks like a cross between several fish


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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i swear that's a salt water

Fri, 2010-08-20 21:58

i swear that's a salt water dwelling fish

i've seen one or two before

Gully's picture

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Who knows Tim - trevs are a

Sat, 2010-08-21 17:00

Who knows Tim - trevs are a fun one to ID at the best of times.

But more to the point shouldnt you be working????