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Stuck on the beach, Had to try twice to get him out

But all ok after  Cant say the name cos its not fair------------------ but uncuttriggerinwa was ok after


Assassin landbase fishing club

just dhu it's picture

Posts: 1081

Date Joined: 14/05/09

moore river

Sun, 2010-09-12 14:03

south of moore river is no easy beach drive , hopefully he got his disco out .

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

Date Joined: 12/12/07

Looks bloody soft .Did you

Sun, 2010-09-12 14:25

Looks bloody soft .Did you get any fish.


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

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the old cruiser strikes

Sun, 2010-09-12 14:29

the old cruiser strikes again. good one Sherbs


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

Cheers russ

Sun, 2010-09-12 15:31

The old girl goes anywere,[ Paul] Colin got photos to go up later

 But it was  way to carm for tailor ,But a great day out and about  

Went looking for more spots,  But for one OLD grumpy farmer we met on our travels


Assassin landbase fishing club

botti's picture

Posts: 106

Date Joined: 24/04/10

dig man dig

Mon, 2010-09-13 22:46

dig man dig

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

Date Joined: 05/09/08

Opportunistic Reporting!

Sun, 2010-09-12 16:20

If you had listened to me in the first place and given a straight snatch everything would have been OK you stubborn old fart! LOL. A picture of the two vehicles locked on the snatch strap would be a hillarious post. It would even show you ole Sherbert digging his on $300 POS out LOL. Maybe Colin Hay has some pics.

Needless to say the Disco is all fine. At one stage there while we were doing our Layland Brothers exploring bit I thought the farmer would riddled it with bullets. It certainly was a "different" experience.

One word of advice guys; stay south of the Wilbinga Grove entry track LOL. Things get interesting if you venture north........ Deliverence comes to mind.... LOL



Work smart and fish often.
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Mon, 2010-09-13 21:16

If you had stay down at the  waterline a bit longer, Were the sand was rock hard and got alot more power up befor going high lol

As for the farmer saying he had lock the gate on us, I should of put the snatch strap on to the gate  and open it for him [Care of the old farts]


Assassin landbase fishing club

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

Date Joined: 23/10/07

Bloody bogans digging up the beach Lol

Mon, 2010-09-13 11:35

I will post up a few happier pics tonight.


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sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

Email them to me as well

Mon, 2010-09-13 21:15

cheers steve


Assassin landbase fishing club

max199's picture

Posts: 812

Date Joined: 09/05/06


Tue, 2010-09-14 20:16

of old godgas!LOL