Yam 15 2 stroke wanted

G'day there fellas,


If anyone knows anyone with a yam 15 - 2 stroke that they are selling please let me know.

Cheers Tb



Posts: 881

Date Joined: 30/12/09

 There's one on marketplace

Tue, 2024-01-02 05:51

 There's one on marketplace in silver sands 




 Get busy living, or get busy dying!

Posts: 2086

Date Joined: 16/05/09

 That looks like it fell of

Tue, 2024-01-02 07:32

 That looks like it fell of the back af the boat whilst driving home.

timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

Date Joined: 14/11/10

 Cheers lads, I'm a Newby to

Wed, 2024-01-03 03:35

 Cheers lads, I'm a Newby to market place but think I've found one