Understand side scan (sort of)

Got this of a Humminbird page but helps get the idea of side scan.

  (These are of my Lowrance)

1.       Is the righthand view of a rockbar coming in of the bank there are some fish there in the water column.

The raised section is under the boat.

2.       Is the lefthand view raised is under the boat fish signal a bit stronger, so fish slightly left of trawl run.

3.       You can see rockbar tapers of in to deeper water to the left.


 The others are a wreck but same princiaple, things in the vetical section are sticking up under the boat others wit shadows are out to the side.


Hope this helps side scan users.


Cheers POC 


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damo6230's picture

Posts: 2029

Date Joined: 07/06/08

good way to show how it works

Sat, 2012-01-07 05:38

you cant argue with that

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15653

Date Joined: 29/11/05

helps a bit

Sat, 2012-01-07 09:22

I understand the principles, but it still seems like hard work.  Has it improved your catch rate much POC, I assume it would have but worth asking.


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POC's picture

Posts: 231

Date Joined: 05/01/09

Yes Adds

Sun, 2012-01-08 09:38

Althoug smaller systems where we wre are easy to find fish most of the time (i find) it helps to locate them when they move around.

rember i use lures only so trawling off line or not right on them is imperative as they don't move around looking foa floating lure much.

Was on a bunch of fish yeterday but not feeding, then they moved took me aout ten minutes to find them again then bang on.

Ithink for me in relatively shallow water it helps as your normal cone on sounder is quite small.

Also finding structer is a plus.


All in all i reckon so...........................but i was doing alright before i got it..........and its great fun to play with when no fish are around.


will post some shots from yesterday later..................Cheers POC

Posts: 539

Date Joined: 29/03/10

Thanks POC, I'll use this a

Sun, 2012-01-08 12:01

Thanks POC, I'll use this a heap to explain to people how its works.


Adam - I've only had a couple of chances to use mine, great to find structure. I'm yet to see if it increases the catch rate as I cant catch barra in the Pilbara to save my life. Saying that I've not fished much for them, that will change now that I've got my boat back up here



Posts: 125

Date Joined: 27/02/11

Not sure how well these are

Wed, 2012-01-11 19:16

Not sure how well these are going to show up this small, but the first image shows  the top down and sidescan near the D9, sidescann shows it up nicely(second image).

Next group of three show a combined image, top down view then a sidescan image right down the middle of her.

Nice enough inside the Sound this morning, but the swell was up back behind Garden Is.


(taken from http://www.wadivers.com.au/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7038&p=59030&hilit=side+scan#p59030)


I think the first image sort of shows what a larger area you can scan for in one pass. The left colour image (top down scan) has missed the D9, but picked up something else... But on the side scan you can see the whole profile of the D9 off to the right.

POC's picture

Posts: 231

Date Joined: 05/01/09

Great shots

Thu, 2012-01-12 06:18

Amazing technology these day's.


Thanks for showing them.

damo6230's picture

Posts: 2029

Date Joined: 07/06/08

Very enlightening

Thu, 2012-01-12 10:27

Definitey improves your knowledge of fishing and skills and I think catch rate. You can see the fish (although not always catch them admittedly) but most of all it highlights two things;

1. habitat; and

2. fish movements.

You can easy identify structure / habitat / environment over a wide range of ground. Think of cruising up a creek that is 40m wide and if you cruise up the middle you can side/down scan the whole river in one sweep. Saves so much time hunting for ground. All you do then is move the cursor to the good ground and mark the spot. So EASY. You can distinquish sand, rock, gutters, holes , rocks etc so easy again.

You can ping fish on structure and see how thay move with the tide/conditions. So for example they may be sitting over sand in shallow water warming up and then they move to structure such as wood to feed. Yep you can see them move around the water as you pass the area which you are always doing under troll / drift / electric.

Agree most wont want side/down imaging but if it suits your preferred style of fishing then I dont know why so many people still stick with traditional 2D sounders especially considering the price of sounders today.

Think I might get a second 798 for the boat myself

It really does blow people away when you show them how it works.