Swan river Breamz

6lb handline unweighted with a Cole's chook use the stuffing as burley and bits of chicken as bait have been busted off a number of times was thinking they were soapies (baby mulloway) took my time on the 3rd go let it run for 40 plus metres then finally landed it came in just over 1 kg and 43.6cm, have been back 3 times since landing smaller sized ones. 


Down the Line


Catch the Experience 

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Posts: 755

Date Joined: 29/03/13

The scale says 998 grams after being gutted and bled

Sun, 2024-02-11 17:14

Fish tacos were tasty for anyone who doesn't kill bream  


Down the Line


Catch the Experience 

flangies's picture

Posts: 2550

Date Joined: 11/05/08

 "If a bream ever got the

Sun, 2024-02-11 18:32

 "If a bream ever got the chance, he'd eat you and everyone you care about." - Troy McClure