Senate election. 05/04/2014. Lets get it right!
Submitted by pale ale on Sat, 2014-03-22 10:29
Lets have an educated discussion on what is in our best interest for the upcoming senate election.
I personally want the Greens to come dead last! They may have gained some popularity with the recent shark cull fiasco.
How many senate candidates are going to support our rights as rec fishos?
Last election, I think we had 2 (Shooters and Fishers Party and another fishing related one.) and it seems they were competing against each other and therefore neither of them got anywhere.
As a website with thousands of members, I beleive if we all work together we can make a difference.
Try and play nice! We need our rights as rec anglers to be heard!
Howard George
Posts: 544
Date Joined: 10/03/11
6 Senate seats
There are 6 senate seats up for grabs and 3 will most likely go to the Libs then 2 to labor so the remaining seat will be a toss up between all the rest. I'm like you pale ale and want the greens last along with a lot of other micro parties so I'll probably start at the bottom and move my way up to the top with probably the SFP on top.
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
Looks like "Outdoor
Looks like "Outdoor Recreation" and "Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party" are also on our side, with the "Shooters and Fishers".
We need to decide which one is actually best for the rec fishos and put all of our first preferences towards them. There seems little point in spreading the votes evenly amongst the three parties.
Should we contact these candidates and get them to explain their policies on this forum?
Is this OK Adam?
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
Group codeCandidate nameParty
Group codeCandidate nameParty ballot nameOccupationContact detailsWKPMESZAROS, TiborThe Wikileaks PartyTV Producer
39 Hale St
WKPNICOL, LucyThe Wikileaks PartyJournalistBEACONSFIELD WA 6162
Mobile: 0413 664 929
Mobile: 0413 325 683
NPVAN STYN, ShaneThe NationalsAccountantEmail:
PO Box 7011
NPDE GRUSSA, Colin StephenThe NationalsFarmerGERALDTON WA 6531
Phone (work): 08 9921 1400
UN1WOOLF, Russell Broadcaster-Journalist UN1JAMES, Verity Funeral Celebrant DEMFERNANDEZ, ChrisAustralian DemocratsBusiness42 Grainger Way
DEMTHIEL, WilliamAustralian DemocratsTechnical DirectorTHORNLIE WA 6108
Phone (home): 08 9459 3657
Mobile: 0404 667 889
48/20 Royal St
PIRBOYD, FletcherPirate PartySoftware EngineerEAST PERTH WA 6004
Mobile: 0419 635 708
Mobile: 0449 068 763
PIRALLEN, MichellePirate PartySoftware Development ManagerEmail:
110B Raleigh St
ALPBULLOCK, JoeAustralian Labor PartyUnion SecretaryCARLISLE WA 6101
Mobile: 0497 974 370
Phone (work): 08 9221 4321
ALPPRATT, LouiseAustralian Labor PartySenatorEmail:
PO Box 6120
ALPHILL, ShaneAustralian Labor PartyConsultantEAST PERTH PRIVATE BOXES WA 6892
Phone (home): 08 9225 4411
Phone (work): 08 9225 4411
Mobile: 0412 959 495
ALPANDRIC, KlaraAustralian Labor PartyCampaigns OfficerPhone (work): 0413 609 561
AMEPHOWLETT, RichieAustralian Motoring Enthusiast PartySelf EmployedMobile: 0413 609 561
PO Box 389
AMEPZANDVLIET, RobAustralian Motoring Enthusiast PartyService Techincian TCSKOUTALIANOS, BillFreedom and Prosperity PartyBuilderMANDURAH WA 6210
1C Marshall St
TCSASHBY, LeonFreedom and Prosperity PartyHandymanPETERSHAM NSW 2049
Mobile: 0407 076 982
9 Britton Pl
VEPNITSCHKE, PhilipVoluntary Euthanasia PartyDoctorMCKELLAR ACT 2617
Phone (home): 0435 423 636
Phone (work): 0435 423 636
Mobile: 0435 423 636
45/98 Terrace Rd
VEPDUFFIELD, JimVoluntary Euthanasia PartyRetired Army OfficerEAST PERTH WA 6004
Mobile: 0407 189 339
Mobile: 0405 583 977
LDPFRYAR, JimLiberal DemocratsDrillerEmail:
Mobile: 0417 856 772
LDPHAMILTON, NeilLiberal DemocratsLibrary Technician VCEPARKES, Brian WAustralian Voice PartyReal Estate SalesmanEmail:
Mobile: 0411 152 417
VCEBUTLER, SeanAustralian Voice PartyBuilder BAPBEZANT, KenBuilding Australia PartyBuilding DesignerEmail: 4realtrust@gmail
PO Box 30
BAPSMEE, Daniel RossBuilding Australia PartyDirectorNORTH BEACH PRIVATE BOXES WA 6920
Phone (home): 08 9246 3779
Phone (work): 08 9246 3779
PO Box 1170
BRPFELS, Anthony JamesMutual PartyFarmerCLOVERDALE PRIVATE BOXES WA 6985
Phone (home): 0405 714 983
Phone (work): 08 9277 2733
Mobile: 0405 714 983
PO Box 120
BRPCHANDRA, FellyMutual PartyHome DutiesFLOREAT WA 6014
PO Box 120
FFPROSE, LindaFamily First PartySales ConsultantFLOREAT WA 6014
Mobile: 0417 933 263
FFPHENG, HenryFamily First PartyChief Executive OfficerEmail:
Mobile: 0400 519 023
SPPSTRACHAN, Peter#Sustainable Population PartyFinancial and Corporate AnalystEmail:
SPPBOURKE, William#Sustainable Population PartyPolitical Party PresidentEmail:
PUPWANG, ZhenyaPalmer United PartyManaging DirectorEmail:
PUPHEADLAND, Desmond JohnPalmer United PartyConsultant PUPTERBLANCHE, ChamonixPalmer United PartyBusiness Analyst SPRTDROPULICH, WayneAustralian Sports PartyEngineerMobile: 0411 264 447
SPRTLACKOVIC, AlAustralian Sports PartySolutions ManagerEmail:
Mobile: 0422 682 276
LPJOHNSTON, DavidLiberalSenator183 Great Eastern Hwy
LPCASH, MichaeliaLiberalSenatorBELMONT WA 6104
Phone (work): 08 9478 2088
Phone (work): 08 9226 2000
LPREYNOLDS, LindaLiberalProject DirectorEmail:
Phone (work): 08 6436 3318
LPBROCKMAN, SladeLiberalAdviserEmail:
Phone (work): 0448 880 959
ASPBOW, MurrayShooters and FishersSales Representative ASPPARKES, JohnShooters and FishersRetired HMPMOYLAN, James MHelp End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) PartyLawyerEmail:
HMPMOYLAN, TaylaHelp End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) PartyStudentEmail:
RPAANDERSON, MarcusRepublican Party of AustraliaIT ConsultantPO Box 7079
RPAHOLLICK, RohanRepublican Party of AustraliaBusiness OwnerSPEARWOOD WA 6163
Phone (work): 0413 723 453
Mobile: 0413 723 453
Mobile: 0407 440 789
SMKKATZ-BARBER, MaxSmokers RightsNight ManagerEmail:
PO Box W167
SMKDI RADO, Daniel JaySmokers RightsEngineer AFLPMcCARTHY, DanielAustralian Fishing and Lifestyle PartyBoat Captain AFLPWYATT, SuzzanneAustralian Fishing and Lifestyle PartyPromotions and Media AUCMORAN, RayAustralian ChristiansCompany DirectorCESSNOCK WEST NSW 2325
Phone (work): 08 6161 2913
AUCMOSELEY, JustinAustralian ChristiansTeacherMobile: 0438 553 424
Phone (work): 08 6161 2913
SPACUTHBERT, Simon AndrewSecular Party of AustraliaManagerEmail:
235 Dickson Ct
SPATHOMPSON, AndrewSecular Party of AustraliaDoctorMOUNT HELENA WA 6082
Mobile: 0437 708 637
Mobile: 0421 371 330
RUAFOREMAN, Jane ElizabethRise Up Australia PartyRegistered NurseEmail:
Mobile: 0403 162 806
RUABENNETT, JoanneRise Up Australia PartyMassage Therapist GRNLUDLAM, ScottThe Greens (WA)SenatorEmail:
8 Cantonment St
GRNCUNNINGHAM, ChristineThe Greens (WA)Academic GRNJAMES, IanThe Greens (WA)FarmerFREMANTLE WA 6160
Phone (work): 08 9335 7477
Mobile: 0429 303 131
GRNSTEELE-JOHN, JordonThe Greens (WA)Youth/Disability Rights AdvocateMobile: 0427 681 296
GRNNIELSEN-HARVEY, SarahThe Greens (WA)StudentEmail:
Phone (work): 08 9221 8333
GRNCULLITY, JudithThe Greens (WA)RetiredEmail:
Phone (home): 0415 247 405 Mobile: 0415 247 405
DLPGOOD, AdrianDLP Democratic LabourAircraft Maintenance Engineer DLPKIERNAN, CathyDLP Democratic LabourHome DutiesEmail:
Phone (work): 08 9296 3847
KAPBOUWMAN, PhillipKatter's Australian PartyConsultantPO Box 2671
KAPHODDINOTT, SusanKatter's Australian PartyIT Consultant AJPLOVE, KatrinaAnimal Justice PartyCampaign ManagerMALAGA WA 6090
Phone (work): 0421 946 346
AJPSUTTON, AliciaAnimal Justice PartyMarine ScientistEmail:
ASXPPATTEN, FionaSex PartyCEOPO Box 1131
ASXPCOLEMAN, MarkSex PartyRetail OwnerCARLTON VIC 3053
Phone (work): 03 9347 2332
Mobile: 0413 734 613
PO Box 1131
SALBAINBRIDGE, AlexSocialist AllianceOrganiserCARLTON VIC 3053
Phone (work): 03 9347 2332
Mobile: 0413 743 613
PO Box 204
Mobile: 0413 976 638
PO Box 204
ODRFISHLOCK, DavidOutdoor Recreation Party (Stop The Greens)Mobile Plant OperatorNORTHBRIDGE PRIVATE BOXES WA 6865
Mobile: 0415 922 740
Phone (home): 0427 966 695
ODRDE LIMA, JoaquimOutdoor Recreation Party (Stop The Greens)IT EngineerEmail:
VAN LIESHOUT, TeresaIndependentTeacherPO Box 223
MUBARAK, KimIndependentPolitician/AdvocateHAMILTON HILL PRIVATE BOXES WA 6963
Phone (work): 0400 409 771
Mobile: 0400 409 771
Mobile: 0413 158 053
Howard George
Posts: 544
Date Joined: 10/03/11
Eastern Staters.
10 candidates are from the eastern states so I can put a line through their names. 67 to go.
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 24/07/11
and i am on the fishing
and i am on the fishing side.
I am the outdoor recreational party seante candidate. i did a thread last year. We got a bit of exposure with joaquim de lima and him being eastern state based. I loved the photo of him and his hat. Its true we should all fuck the system and vote below the line. That way we know where our votes go not via the group voting tickets that can be found here
Its very important to see if the peferences are were you want them to go.
current theory of seat allocations are this
2 lib, 2 lab, 1 green. The final seat is up for grabs. We need a fishing rep in the senate. either a SFP, AFL or a ORP. I assure you no alliances will be made if i get in. each bill will be voted on by merit and what suits W.A.s need
Posts: 102
Date Joined: 15/07/12
Sorry bud
I don't vote for ignorance.
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 24/07/11
no worries. I understand and
no worries. I understand and i am kicking mysef for my fuck and freezing up.
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
Thanks for your info!
Thanks for your info!
Posts: 2086
Date Joined: 16/05/09
And when you don"t get enough
And when you don"t get enough vote Fish13 where do your preferences go and what deals are you doing?
Posts: 613
Date Joined: 18/09/13
Politics, Religion, Shark
Politics, Religion, Shark culling. Anyone care to discuss fishing!
Bewdey Fellaz
Posts: 1273
Date Joined: 02/02/09
I see your point, Matty, but
I see your point, Matty, but we've seen what the greens are capable of if allowed any kind of balance of power. We have an opportunity to increase the votes in the corners that are supportive of us fisherfolk. The shark cull exposure this summer will only bolster votes to the greens.
Do it now, or well all be whining about more closures and sanctuary zones in the future.
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
If everyone on fishwrecked
If everyone on fishwrecked voted for the same "Fishing friendly" candidate, they would likely get a spot. In the past, seats were won by a handfull of votes and preferences from dickhead parties!
We just need to stick together and decide which one is best for fishos.
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 24/07/11
the ORP's GVT is
the ORP's GVT is here
and the rest of them
Posts: 12
Date Joined: 06/06/13
vote below the line
I'm with fish13, instead of everyone whining about where their party preferences go to, just vote below the line. I did it at the original election and will be doing it again this time around. Yes it is alot of numbers to put on the ballot but meh you're in there voting anyway so why not spend an extra couple of minutes making your vote the way you want it! Although I got smart this time around and applied for postal vote so I can spend some more time researching each party as I vote :)
Also the SFP will be getting my support again along with the other minor parties directly behind them that support fishing and 4wding!
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Yep below the line makes
Yep below the line makes sense to me it'll be quite satisfying putting the greens and any affiliates last.
Love the West!
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
Yep voted below the line last
Yep voted below the line last time myself.... and once again I can knock off work a couple hours early to vote :)
Posts: 3915
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Greens and Christians were
Greens and Christians were last and second last.
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Ha ha yep. I put the smokers
Ha ha yep. I put the smokers party ahead of them. Plenty of lunatic fringe out there.
Love the West!