Release date: 03/02/10
The growing popularity of the waters in the northern suburbs for recreational boating, personal water craft (PWC) use and other aquatic activities has prompted significant changes, including the introduction of a new ski area and new speed restrictions.

Department of Transport Manager Navigational Safety and Compliance Ray Buchholz said increased boating activity coupled with safety concerns had prompted a formal review of aquatic usage between Hillarys Boat Harbour and Quinns Beach.

"Congestion in some areas has seen conflict between users increase in recent years," Mr Buchholz said.

The changes to the gazetted areas for on-water activities, combined with improved education and increased compliance patrols, will ensure safer operation of the waters even at the busiest times," Mr Buchholz said.

"As part of the 12 month review undertaken by the Department, officers consulted extensively with the City of Joondalup, City of Wanneroo, Department of Environment and Conservation, Department of Fisheries, Water Police, Whitfords Sea Search Rescue, Surf Lifesaving WA, Boating WA and the Hillarys Yacht Club.”

The changes include:

a significant expansion of the existing Whitfords ski area;

the creation of a new ski area off Quinns Beach;

the creation of an eight knot speed restriction extending 200m offshore from the southern end of the Mindarie Marina breakwater to the northern end of Quinns Beach; and,

amendments to the existing eight knot speed restrictions areas at the entrance of Hillarys Boat Harbour and Ocean Beach Boat Harbour.
Mr Buchholz said 25 marker buoys defining the new zones had been installed at strategic points and new signage erected at adjacent boat ramps to assist skippers and other users comply with new gazettal areas.

"Transport has also updated its boating guide for the waters between Hillarys and Quinns Beach to clearly show the gazetted areas for boating, water skiing and PWC use and it is available free of charge," Mr Buchholz said.

People wanting a copy of the new Hillarys Boating Guide or more information about the changes can visit or contact the Department on 9431 1011.

Media contact: Bronwyn Hillman 0408 098 220


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STEVE231's picture

Posts: 1443

Date Joined: 05/01/10

Boating rules

Wed, 2010-02-03 18:23

Maybe if they could educate PWC users how to wait their turn at popular-busy ramps the whole process might work a little bit easier!!!

wazzbat's picture

Posts: 977

Date Joined: 19/01/10

Roger That

Thu, 2010-02-04 01:32

I reckon every 2nd trip to any ramp, we have some problem with jet ski users.  I'm not saying they are all bad news but considering the amount of boats compared to jet skis, they are far worse when it comes to boat ramp ettiquette!


I fish for the future - Cause I can't bloody catch anything!

synthos's picture

Posts: 522

Date Joined: 23/06/07

I hate

Thu, 2010-02-04 07:22

I hate how they dont have to wait on boats and drive cars around boat quees and pull up next to use when were about to reverese to get teh ski out oh and they dont line up wiht boats cause there special (sarcasm in tone) Hillarys is really bad I tried to cut one of the pri#$%^&ks off as it was my turn and I inched the car in his way and he had the rudness to still reverse around me

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07

Jet ski drivers

Thu, 2010-02-04 08:21

They have the same thought processes to yachties,they think they are God's gift to boating---WRONG

Posts: 193

Date Joined: 04/02/09

Boat Ramps in Perth

Thu, 2010-02-04 09:15

must be a real experience these days. Six months in Carnarvon Six months down south for me , even though Quindalup is a laugh at times...nev