Marlin Rigs
Submitted by neville hood on Mon, 2012-03-19 09:17
Gday fellas
Am heading up north in April and need some info on rigs to make up for some marlin trolling. I will be running 2 x 24kg tiagra outfits, possibly 1 other, mono line 80lb and 50lb, leader 300lb and 200lb flouro, skirts 10 in and 8 in, twin 60 degree shackle rigs to suit. I have made some up and they consist of shackle rig, skirt, spring protector jinkai crimp to suit flouro, leader (4m), s/s thimble, crimp, 350lb swivel, separate 350lb clip swivel catspawed to 12in double with 8in plait to main line for easy change of rig. Any info greatly appreciated.
Cheers neville
Oceanside Tackle
Posts: 2803
Date Joined: 23/07/09
For us -
Single hook rigs in our Richter game skirts gives us a better hook up rate which inturn reduces slippery hooks/hook spit.
The rest sounds pretty good, enjoy your trip.
Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.
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Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
I'm a big fan of singles as well, doubles for me just screams risk for dehooking boatside. Last thing I'd like is being 'ragdolled' boatside with a few 11/0 swinging around waiting to connect to your wrist. Risk vs reward and IMO, single do just a good job without the danger.
Apart from that, sounds like you've got the right idea Neville and the right gear to go with.
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neville hood
Posts: 51
Date Joined: 26/09/11
Thanks for the quick reply
Thanks for the quick reply fellas, suggestions noted and keep up the good work on this great web site. I only have a few more days to pack before I go back to work then come home ready to hook up go. I suppose one of the main parts of the question was leader length and having a swivel on the join. I could have uni knotted the join to the swivel as I am not using windons.This, I may also do as I like experimenting with different knots and rigs. Happy to be in the ball park.
cheers neville
Oceanside Tackle
Posts: 2803
Date Joined: 23/07/09
For us -
We always use Richter or BMK windon leaders which makes life easy in getting the fish closer to the boat and easy to trace.
Using a strong ballbearing swivel & clip like the Richter Hi-Tensile version eliminates terminal failure when fighting or tracing a big billfish.
As for knots/doubles/leader lengths etc; we use short platted double, catspaw connections & windon length around 4.5m. The swivel & clip is the only hardware we use which is cliped to the lures 2m of trace/bite leader.
Hope this helps.
Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.
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Phone #(08) 9337 5682 - Shop 4/364 South Street O'Connor - OPEN 7 Days
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
The boys are spot on, spend the dollars getting good swivels too, last thing you want is to lose a good fish or gear from terminal tackle failure when you've already spent a fair few dollars on lures etc. Seen people try and scrimp through it before only to lose good fish from a snap swivel opening up or straightening out.
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Alan James
Posts: 2243
Date Joined: 30/06/09
The swivel on the leader is surplus
I would have a thimble only on the end of the leader rather than a thimble and a swivel. The clip swivel then connects to the thimble. If you consider going to single hooks this link may also be worth a read.
neville hood
Posts: 51
Date Joined: 26/09/11
The good thing about getting
The good thing about getting 2 hook shackle rigs is you can take off one hook and still have a single wire rig due to the shackle. I have just cut a barrel sinker in half and will experiment with the keel weight. Also may head up to your store and pick up a couple of windons and bigger swivels and see how they go. I just looked at the swivels that I connected to my leaders and they are robust 400lb up but the swivels with clips are only 350lb so I will upgrade.
Alan James
Posts: 2243
Date Joined: 30/06/09
For the rig described in your initial post
there really isn't the need to upgrade the clip swivel from 350lb to 400lb as the clip swivel will only be subjected to pressure off the reel through the mainline and double. In reality a clip swivel of 100lb would probably suffice as no deckie should be attempting to hold the double anyway (i.e. to be IGFA compliant). The same could be said about the swivel you have at the end of your leader. This all changes however if you were to run windons where the leaderman can exert pressure through the clip swivel connection.
Posts: 268
Date Joined: 29/08/10
Marlin Bar
I like the Pakula keel rig
neville hood
Posts: 51
Date Joined: 26/09/11
Marlin Rigs
Thanks fellas just some of the answers I was looking for. When I go out I will have the confidence in my rigs to do the job.
Cheers neville