Fisheries-Woodside education partnership puts students in the swim
The first joint-partnership between the Department of Fisheries and leading oil and gas giant Woodside would give Western Australian students and teachers better tools to study our marine environment.
Fisheries Minister Norman Moore said the social investment program would facilitate incorporation of the marine education manual and teachers’ kit into schools as an important teaching tool, and was a classic example of State Government-corporate sector co-operation
“This collaboration will provide access to teaching tools developed specifically to improve marine education in WA,” he said.
The Minister said in light of the State’s vast coastline, it was important students understood WA’s marine environment in order to make informed decisions about its sustainable management in the future.
“Woodside’s $300,000 support over two years means the marine education manual and teachers’ kit will be provided free-of-charge to every school in WA,” he said.
“This will allow consistency and quality of education in this specialist and important subject. Education is fundamental to understanding the issues facing our fisheries today and in future.”
Executive vice president Kevin Gallagher said, as a marine operator, Woodside and its workers understood and valued the diversity, complexity and beauty of the marine environment.
“For most Australians the marine environment, filled with all manner of life and energy, is an unknown world,” Mr Gallagher said. “Our support and involvement with Marine Discovery West is a great fit.”
He said Woodside had a comprehensive history of contributing to knowledge of the marine environment, including long-lasting relationships with more than 10 State and national bodies focused on marine research, education and conservation.
“This program is significant for Woodside as we have a responsibility to understand the marine environment,” Mr Gallagher said. “By educating our young people we can help secure its future.”
Marine Discovery West, the education arm of the Department of Fisheries, carries out programs for the approximately 385,000 students in more than 1,100 State Government and independent schools in WA’s metropolitan and regional areas.
Part 1 of the marine education manual (for primary schools) will be implemented in 2011. Part 2 (for secondary schools) is expected to come on stream in 2012.
For more information about the Naturaliste Marine Discovery Centre and Marine Discovery West, visit or phone 9203 0339 and for more information about the department visit or call 9482 7333.
Minister's office - 9422 3000
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