Cray season

Went out for two dives this week and only managed a handfull of crays. Seems to be a few around and some absolute monsters among them. Seems to be a lot of reports that a lot of them still have soft shells, Has anyone encounterd this yet, And hows everyone else going with the cray catches.

BQ544's picture

Posts: 361

Date Joined: 22/10/06


Fri, 2006-11-17 19:16

Had to work on Wednesday, but lucky enough to have had a dive buddy waiting for me for a mad dash off Preston Beach at 5:25 pm

Between the two of us picked up 10 crays and shot a dhuie in 10 metres, in 20 minutes

Out of the 10 crays, 7 whites, all good size.

Would have seen 20 crays all up, low light and being a bit silty made it hard to get more then one out of each hole.

By the time I got home, washed the dive gear and cooked a fillet of dhuie it was 10:30pm A long day but a good one.

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Good stuff

Fri, 2006-11-17 23:21

Awesome, sounds like its a good start to the season. Have to tag along one of these days to see how the new hookah's going and also to steal one or two for a feed... mmmmmm. love crays.


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