Cray pots Rotto

 Long shot I know, but we are heading down to Perth and Rotto from 31st onwards, just wondering if anyone will have a pot or 2 still out there and be happy for us to throw our float on and haul a couple of times?

I can drag one of mine down but its just more shit on board along with bikes, camping gear for the girls and beer 


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 If you want to come down to

Tue, 2017-12-26 10:56

 If you want to come down to Mandurah to pick them up I’ve got a couple. 


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Tue, 2017-12-26 11:13

 Thanks Ash, appreciate that but when we come down it'll be straight to Leeuwin ramp and gggooonnneee 

Got my pots in gero, but Id only bring one down I reckon due to space, need to sleep a night onboard on the trailer


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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

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gruntre69's picture

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 I've got a couple north of

Tue, 2017-12-26 13:29

 I've got a couple north of the river you can borrow if you want to stop in at Hamersley and collect... Still means a pickup though....


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Tue, 2017-12-26 13:56

 Thanks mate! I'll just chuck one of mine aboard if theres none over there


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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

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ALEXANG3's picture

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I have two crappy and creaky

Tue, 2017-12-26 14:40

I have two crappy and creaky plastic pots you can take over if you like. They’ve caught a couple of crays in the past...

I’m 5 min from Leeuwin and could drop them down to you depending on timing.




Posts: 5822

Date Joined: 18/01/12

 Thanks Alex, appreciate it,

Tue, 2017-12-26 20:38

 Thanks Alex, appreciate it, but I'll prob just grab one of my wooden ones to bring down I think 



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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

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 I was going to mention pots

Tue, 2017-12-26 21:39

 I was going to mention pots to you today... I can sort you out with a couple. Collect on your way to rotto and then leave them there (I will be over there a couple of days after you). I'll text you tomorrow