Coral Bay help

Some friends and I are heading to Coral Bay in about a week.  I went once last year, but only for a few days and only fished from shore, did have great success (by my standards) for the limited time I had.

 This time we'll have a boat with us and fishing will be our main focus.   I've checked the GPS co-ords for the area on this site, hopefully we can find some good fish up there.

I'd like to ask y'all what kind of gear/rigs we need and maybe some ideas on where to fish, if you are willing to share!  If we get on to some good fish, I'll be sure to give a report on here.


Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

Date Joined: 03/02/06

Welcome Eddie

Fri, 2008-02-08 13:03

I have only ever fished out of charters in Coral Bay, so I can't give you any pointers other than to suggest that if you are up there for a while maybe book in a charter first day to see where abouts they fish in general and quizz the skipper along the way. Local knowledge will win out every time.
Our newest site sponsor Mahi Mahi II run charters out of coral bay. Try clicking on the link in the left hand margin, that might give you a couple of ideas.

Good luck.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

Posts: 252

Date Joined: 20/07/06

bent pin

Fri, 2008-02-08 13:18

try the bent channel marker,that usually holds some fish.if your skipper is confident and the weather good enuf head out to steep point way and troll along the cliffs.some good fish caught along there just watch out for people fishing above ya.also try turtle bay on the n/w tip of dirk hartog,awesome fishing around that area,just make sure your tank holds enuf fuel coz its a long way.when all else fails they usually catch some squid from the jetty and the guys in the pub might give ya some sort of direction to head.

hope this helps get ya started

Posts: 187

Date Joined: 09/01/08

Coral Bay

Fri, 2008-02-08 14:05

Hi Eddie       The newly constructed Boat Launching Facility was opened in Coral Bay last October,  once you have launched you boat,  follow the channel markers out to the North passage and once outside the reef troll along it,  you will probably find a mackie or two and some big tuna.  Whilst coming back from Exmouth just before christmas on the Mahi Mahi the crew exhaustingly pulled in 65kg yellow fin tuna. We are still eating it.  Make sure you LOG ON/LOG OFF with the local SSR.  I wouldnt try steep point and or dirk hortog islands if i was you,  it is too far from Coral Bay. Happy fishing,  Sandra , Coral Bay  

poddyfish's picture

Posts: 986

Date Joined: 01/05/07


Fri, 2008-02-08 14:59

i think your talking bout shark bay yeah bibs??? fair bit of travel involved in gettin to coral bay from there aye ahaha... never mind


Fear The Spear............! 

dan1's picture

Posts: 379

Date Joined: 11/07/07

coral bay

Fri, 2008-02-08 21:18

Fished there the last few years from boat usually the 65m mark off coral bay i think around 10 nm south passage or 6nm north passage depends how confident you are with the south passage as swell can pick up from no up and down that live looking for little lumps of coral or fish. Now i have been told that you fish for reed emperor one hour b4 low tide and one hour after most productive and same for snapper but the high tide this has worked productivly for me in the past. Hopfully this may again as im up that way again, You can anchor up near one of the bombies inside the south passage and baitcast mulies and burlie for spangled emperor i find for the reds a nice fresh fillet of blue lined emporer so the pickers can peck but leave enough for the reds to eat all else fails trall behind the reef for mackies the are always good fun good luck let us know how you go.

Posts: 252

Date Joined: 20/07/06


Sat, 2008-02-09 09:25

oops was on the piss yesterday and for some reason thought i read shark bay.anyway there some tips for on the way home if you stop in there lol.