Another "donk won't start"
Mercury 40hp 1989 model.
Battery fully charged
New fuel bulb.
New fuel.
Bugger just won't kick over.
Plus the primer bulb didn't seem to get hard.
So the following week when I had some time, went and purchased new plugs
and put them in.
With the cowl off and priming the bulb (this time the bulb firmed up after about 10 compressions)
Had a squize at the carbs to see if the butterly's were closed, I noticed fuel basically squirting out of
what I think is the economiser jet located front of carb upper RHS corner.
After fuel had leaked out of here and into the chamber she kicked over
but died within seconds!
Tried again and same thing.
So I gather I need to put a kit through the carbs.
And what would this cost to get it done?
Anyone have any thoughts.
Posts: 286
Date Joined: 08/02/09
I had my merc 90, all three
I had my merc 90, all three carbs cost $300 the lot includeing labour..
that was marine machine mobile mechanics
Call me Brad as that's my name..
Posts: 143
Date Joined: 21/11/07
so about an hour per carb @
so about an hour per carb @ $100 per hour
parts are cheap . . .
1 x Carb kit for mine is ~$12
1 x Needle set $10
so I'd say $200 - $250 for my two
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
The problem is your trying to
The problem is your trying to start an anchor not a motor
Love the West!
Posts: 403
Date Joined: 09/09/10
ha ha ha
cunny funt
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
i would be checking the
i would be checking the needle and seat first before you pull the whole thing apart. it sounds like to me you have a slight blockage in that part
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 434
Date Joined: 01/12/10
If your not DIY
if you arent going to do it yourself then best let the mechanic diagnose the problem.
If you take it to him and tell him "fit these carby kits" and it doesnt fix it well......?
However sound to me like a fuel blockage
Posts: 143
Date Joined: 21/11/07
This arvo i removed both
This arvo i removed both needles and the other two screws that are below them,
Got a bit of left over fuel hose and blew into the carb's through these spots.
A fair bit of fuel/oil mix came out from the throttle bodies.
Basically blew it all out.
Took note of how many turns back from fully tight the needle's were in when I removed them.
Replaced them, primed the bulb and the ole girl started bang on first go and maintained revs
So yeah must have been a spec of some shite somewhere.
Whilst running noticed no water out of the tell tale, let in run for about min and a half then turned her off.
Took off the water inlet covers on the leg and sure enough out fell pieces of the impeller.
So think I'll get her serviced and given the once over to be sure to be sure!!!!
Just about to shoot of an email to Sunny the Marine Doctor and this other mob down the road
for some quotes.